Chapter 2

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The Avengers were informed of the strange energy vortex around the city. They were told it appeared in 7 places. They got the order to search an area where they appeared on their own and report back to the tower in 5 hours at the latest.


Bruce tried for the 100th time to contact either one his boys or the girls he left in charge of Gotham. Tony casually strolled towards the area although still alert. When he stumbled upon a man dressed as a bat.

"If you want to sneak up on someone try to be much quieter," Bruce spoke up a second after Tony stopped.

"Who are you?" Tony asks after recovering from his shock.

"A hero from another dimension," Bruce responded.

"What are you trying to do?" Tony asks, again having to recover from the shock.

"Trying to contact our dimension or my boys," Bruce responded patiently.

"Do you know who the other 6 people are that came through?" Tony asked.

"There are 8 of us. One of your co-workers will have to deal with 2 of us. But, yes I do know everyone that came with me. I work with 5 of them." Bruce says mildly worried.

"Good to know," Tony said before relying on the information to the others.


Clint was moving quietly towards his assigned area. Dick was sitting on the ground on his wrist computer. When Clint found him he notched an arrow with a sedative on it. When he released the arrow with perfect aim expecting it to hit its target but, seconds before it hit, the young man caught the arrow.

"You need to learn to shoot faster and how to not make a sound when you shoot," Dick said while examining the arrow. "Could be your bow, or your arrows, hard to tell right now. I know 3 archers like you, although less deadly, they shoot their first arrow so quiet even a bat wouldn't hear it. They learn to shoot to survive and hunt before learning fighting tactics with a bow. Speed is a must to be an archer as well as skill. You have the skill you just need to work on speed." He said while standing up then handed the arrow back to Clint.

"Who are you?" Clint asked.

"I don't know if I can trust you yet but, I can tell you my codename. Nightwing pleasure to meet you... Sorry, I didn't catch your name." Dick said.

"The name's Clint. Nice to meet you kid." Clint said shaking dick's hand.


Jason was frantically trying to contact one of his brothers (he could care less about the Bat) when he heard a roar.

"Oh great. I have to fight." Jason mumbled to himself readying himself for a fight. When a big green monster landed in front of him. Jason didn't even lose his balance when the ground shook from his landing.

"Who is puny human in red helmet?" Hulk asked

"Name's Red Hood. Who are you?" Jason said.

"I Hulk," the monster replied proudly.

"Okay, Hulk, where are the others that came with me?" Jason asked calmly.

"Heading to Avengers Tower with others," Hulk told Jason liking his calm approach.

DC meets MarvelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora