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We were discharged from the infirmary relatively quickly, after a final check over to ensure we were alright Madam Pomfrey released us. We made out way slowly to the Great Hall and I used the time to catch Hermione up to speed on everything that had happened. She nodded and "hmm"ed every now and then. Asking questions and waiting patiently for my reply. I had just finished giving her the last tiny detail of Tom Riddle as we came up to the huge wooden doors. We paused and stared round in appreciation of the beautiful room, so full of life. Everyone gathered in their houses chatting and laughing. Reunited friends talked excitedly and inter-house couples hugged and held hands as the groups began to merge once again. I smiled round at the gathering, everyone was smiling and the last week seemed forgotten in the happiness of the time.

"Hello Hermione, welcome back." Nearly headless Nick greeted, we both smiled at the ghostly figure.

"Thank you, Sir Nicholas." Looking down the Gryffindor table I grinned as I spotted the familiar red-hair and spectacles, of my two friends surrounded by a little group. Seamus suddenly looked my way, catching my eye before his gaze drifted to Hermione. He lent over the table towards the Ron and Harry and a moment later both boys were looking our way wide smiles stretching their lips. I turned to Hermione to find her staring at me pleadingly. I laughed.

"Go." I smirked as the frizzy haired girl began running down the aisle, robes billowing behind her. I watched as she hugged Harry tightly, I smiled before feeling a hand rest lightly on my shoulder. I turned and sighed happily, spotting the familiar Gryffindor captaincy ring. I lent back into Oliver's warm chest and brought my hand up to rest on his.

"You okay?" He whispered, his breath tickling my ear. I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I watched my friends interactions with amusement, the awkwardness between Hermione and Ron sent a chuckle bubbling from my throat and Oliver wrapped his arms round my waist, taking a deep breath of my hair. He steered me slowly down aisle to my friends, never breaking contact as we sat. I was greeted exuberantly by my fellow second years, as they bounced in their seats. I sat in between Harry and Oliver, feeling completely at ease. I placed my hand on the bench beside me and swooned as warm fingers wrapped around it. I glanced up and was immediately captured in the soul searching, chocolate eyes of Mr Wood. I felt myself drowning happily in the adoration they held, slowly sinking deeper with no intents to fight against it. I could get lost in his eyes, wander for days and find something new each time. I loved them. I loved...him. I gasped in realisation, I needed to tell him.

"Oliver?" I grinned as his orbs sparkled.

"I lo-"

"Can I have you attention please?" I closed my eyes in disappointment, but nevertheless smiled and turned my gaze to the front of the room. To where Dumbledore now stood, looking out over the sea of student before him.

"Before we begin the feast let us have a round of applause for Professor Sprout and Madam Pomfrey, whose Mandrake Juice has been so successfully administrated to all who had been Petrified." I whooped and clapped along with the while hall, glancing round the table I spotted Colin and Justin, just two of the victims. They now laughed and cheered with the rest as though oblivious to their entire ordeal. The applause slowly died down and the Headmaster began to speak again.

"Also, in light of the recent events, as a school treat. All exams have been cancelled!" There was a moment of disbelief before a deafening roar of thanks shook the whole hall. Next to me Oliver cheered loudly, clapping and banging the table enthralled by the Professors proclamation.

"Oh no." Hermione whined and I laughed at her downcast expression. Trust her. I happened to glance towards the huge doors when they suddenly opened. All breath left my lungs as the familiar brown coat and wild tangled beard of the school gamekeeper came into view.

The Dark Lords Daughter 2: Slytherins Heir *completed*Where stories live. Discover now