Nothing to Tell

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I stood anxiously waiting for the return of Harry, he had been in Dumbledore's office for nearly ten minutes and I was beginning to worry. I twiddled my thumbs, my left hand still in the ridged cast for my wrist. I could feel the ever watching eyes of Professor McGonagall who stood nearby, I kept glancing up at her, but the questioning in her eyes sent my stomach fluttering. Eventually I had had enough.

"Professor, honestly we didn't do anything." I huffed, catching Minerva by surprise, she blinked rapidly shooing away the last remains of deep thought.

"Anna." She sighed. "If it were up to me I would have told you to go back to your common room and been done with it, but it is not my place. With all that is happening as Hogwarts at the moment, I don't believe any of us are safe." I stared up at my Professor with wide blue eyes. It was the first time I had ever seen a member of staff of this great castle look unsurely upon their surroundings. It unnerved me. I took a few steps forward and placed my hand over the clasped, wrinkled ones of the Gryffindor head. He skin was cold and I squeezed them lightly, she raised her downcast face to look up at me. Watery emerald eyes and quivering jaw. She was scared. I was surprised when she suddenly stood, wrapping me in a caring embrace, a rare act of emotion from the usually concealed teacher. I felt her brush back my long tangled hair, away from face.

"Oh my dear, Anna." She whispered shakily. I simply stood, not knowing what to do, I had never encountered the "softer" side of an adult before. In fact before I came to this school, I had never experienced kindness.

"I fear for you." I took in a sharp breath and pulled away from my professor.

"Why would you do such a thing, Minerva?" I held her gaze, trying the read the wash of emotion behind her eyes.

"I fear that if the school does close, you may be sent home. I fear that if another attack happens, I will be staring at your frozen form. I fear I might lose you." I couldn't believe my ears, a teacher admitting fear. I hugged her back, but my mind was in overdrive. I needed anything, to get me out of this awkward a situation. Don't get me wrong, Minerva was the closest thing I had to a mother figure (besides Molly Weasley) but when she's talking about your possible demise, things start to get a little deep.

   As if on queue a thundering of footsteps sounded down the hall. I looked up in time to see Hagrid running towards us.

"Hagrid?" Minerva called, as he contined on squeezing up the spiral staircase and towards the Headmasters office. Seeing my moment of opportunity, I slipped away from the startled professor and ran after the half-giant. As I reached the top of the stairs Hagrid had already burst into the tall room.

"Professor Dumbledore, sir. It wasn't Harry or Anna." I heard as I entered the office.


"In fact I'd be prepared to swear in front of the Ministry of Magic!"

"Hagrid!" Dumbledore bellowed, finally halting the groundskeeper in his ramblings.

"Relax, I do not believe that neither Harry or Anna attacked anyone." The Headmaster smile kindly at my half hidden frame and I stepped out from behind the thick wooden door. The familiar twinkle of mischief was vacant from his eyes.

"Well, of course you don't and...Oh...oh." Hagrid paused looking incredibly sheepish at his blurted outburst.

"Right. I' I'll just wait outside, then." He began to slink cautiously out of the room, keeping his eyes of the bearded headmaster.

"Yes." Dumbledore smiled and watched as the half-giant left.

"You don't think it was me, Professor?"

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