Chapter 7 -The tiger-

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        Ayla sat at one of the chairs in the kitchen, listening to Eliza and the 'guest'. A while ago, the auburn haired woman barged into the house and hugged Eliza in a "more-than-friendly" manner. A pang of jealousy bit her heart and woke a sleeping tiger in her chest. She seemed to be someone close to Eliza since after seeing her, Eliza's irritation became pure happiness that she completely forgot about her. Who is she? A past lover? A family member? A friend? Ayla thought as she watched the other girl, who Eliza calls Johani, held Eliza's hands.

            "... and she turned into a black phoenix. I don't know what your bastard lover saw in that woman. Anyway, she's part of the family now, so you'd better not do anything to her again." Johani said, laughing.

            "As if I would. I have nothing else to do with him." Eliza said, a little bitterness still left in her voice.

            "Eliza, I'll go home." Ayla suddenly said, calling her by her first name. She stood up and took her bag with her. Eliza stood up and stopped Ayla from leaving the house.

            "Ayla?" Eliza asked, questioning her for the sudden change in her behaviour.

            "What?" Ayla replied, trying to make it sound normal but instead, it came like an angry reply.

            "Who's that?" Johani asked, arching an eyebrow.

            "Ayla." Eliza said, looking at Johani, alarmed. Her grip on Ayla tightened.

            "Relax. I have no intention of hurting her. I told you. I only came here to.. visit and tell you about Zieros' message. That is all."  Johani said, sipping a few drops of the red wine in front of her. Eliza loosened her grip on Ayla and faced her once again.

            "Hey, I thought you're going to stay here overnight?" She said.

            "I don't want to intrude between you two. It seems you're having a good time and I'll just interfere with you if I stay here. So I'll go home for now." Ayla answered.

            "What are you talking about? Ayla, are you.. are you jealous?" Eliza said, smiling. Johani who was now drinking mouthfuls of the wine choked. Then she started laughing.

            "No, I'm not!" Ayla said, her face turning red.

            "Oh come on!" Eliza pecked at her lips then laughed.

            "My dear, I am Eliza's friend. I stand as her mother. You don't  need to get jealous." Johani said, still laughing.

            "Yep.. Oh. I forgot to introduce you to her. Johani, this is Ayla, my lover. The child that survived that... mess. Ayla, this is Johani. We've been friends since time immemorial. Her betrothed is the brother of my ex-lover."

            Johani bowed a little and smiled at Ayla who seemed to release her pent up breath. "You can be mad at her for forgetting to tell you who I am and who you are. Eliza's a pampered, arrogant goddess, so she never introduces anyone to anyone. More like they introduce theirselves to her."

            "I-I see." Ayla said, turning her eyes away from Johani.

            "Gimme that. I'll put it upstairs. Sleep here okay?" Eliza said, then kissed her cheek before going up.

            Ayla sat by one of the couches when Johani spoke once again. "Take care of her. Her heart has been badly hurt. I didn't think she'll recover this fast. Thank you." Johani took another sip from her wine.

            "I didn't actually do anything." Ayla said, looking at JOhani.

            "Eliza is a loving goddess, even to the human race. Ever since that incident with your clan, she had always blamed herself for the death of her comrades, her family, and yours. She was guilty beyond measure even though we know she did nothing wrong. And the words you've told her that day lifted the guilt she bore throughout the years. Then she was betrayed by her lover, the god of death, countless times and yet she forgives him until she snapped. Zieros, my betrothed sent her here in exile so that she may change her ways. And now, she did. You are the reason why her steps are lighter now. You have my respect. If anything ever happens, don't hesitate to ask me for help." Johani said, giving Ayla a friendly smile. Eliza went down stairs and saw her friend smiling weirdly at Ayla.

            "What's that smile for, you perverted woman." Eliza said accusingly.

            "You're one to talk."JOhani said then gave Eliza a naughty smile. She looked at Ayla's face then to her thigh, then back to Eliza. "I'll be off, so that you can continue what you were doing a while ago."

            "Idiot. You shouldn't-"

            "Oh, by the way. Zieros says you can go back to the underworld anytime. Your exile has been lifted." Then with that, Johani disappeared. Eliza looked at the blushing Ayla.

            "I'm sorry  for trying to leave the house a while ago." Ayla started, not looking into Eliza's eyes. "I was just... jealous. I thought you like her more than you like me. So yeah." When she looked at Eliza, she was already in front of her, her eyes crimson red once more. She closed the distance between them until their nose bumped into each other."

            "I love you more than anything else Ayla. So you don't need to worry about anything." Eliza said.

            "I love you too, Lai." Ayla said in return. "If.. if you like you can take a bite from me."

            "Are you sure about that?" Eliza said, drowning Ayla in her gaze. Ayla nodded and leaned her head on the right side, exposing her neck for Eliza to feed on.

            Eliza's left hand went to Ayla's hair, the other on her waist. Her cheeks brushed against hers, sending jolts of electricity through her body. Eliza licked Ayla's neck, as if devouring her, then she went up to her ears, nibbling on it, then to her lips, diving inside Ayla's mouth before going back to the neck. She felt Ayla's legs moving bit by bit. She held on to her tighter. Eliza's fangs grew longer. Then with a clean stroke, she dove for the stream of blood, her teeth penetrating the flesh. Warm blood oozed from the bite. Eliza drank in her taking all that she offered, leaving nothing behind.

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