Chapter 2 -Knowing-

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        As planned, both of them went home together. Ayla kept on talking with a calm voice, though enthusiasm was obvious in her movements. When they parted ways, Eliza sped up her pace and immediately entered her house. At least it's fully furnished.

            She went to the dining and found a note placed on the ref.

            "My dear Eliza,

                        I made sure you have ample supply of blood. Don't go killing random people, ok?               And it's better if no one knows your true identity ,ok? The blue button beside this note is       for switching between the bloody ref and the food ref.


                        I customized the bath for you. The red button beside the sink is for the blood bath.   Don't tell Zieros about this, ok? Don't worry, I'll visit you every now and then.


            Eliza smiled and got a blood pack from the ref and pressed the blue button. After that, she went for the living room and sat at the couch. She was just starting to relax when she heard the doorbell and a familiar voice.

            "Eeeelliiiizaaaa! I'm coming inside!"

            "Ayla?! What are you doing here?" Eliza said as she saw Ayla picking up a pair of slippers and heading towards the dining.

            "Have you eaten already?"

            "No. Yes. A bit. Hey!"

            "Didn't I tell you you're house is near mine? It's just at the back." Ayla smiled and rummaged through the refrigerator. She found beef shanks and potatoes and decided to cook steak and mashed potatoes.

            "And what are you gonna do here?"

            "I'll cook." She went to the kitchen and started mashing potatoes. "You can help if you want. Mash these potatoes for me will you?"

            "Look who's talking. You just barged in someone else's house and you're asking the owner to help?"

            "But we are friends, aren't we?" Ayla said, already on the verge of crying.

            "Fine. I get it. How about your parents? They'll worry if you don't go home early."

            ". . . I think they'll be happy."

            "Happy?" Eliza asked, confused.

            "Come on Eliza. Mash the potatoes or we won't be able to eat dinner on time!"

            "Hey. I didn't agree about helping you."

            "But you said you will! You meanie!" Ayla splashed water on her face and pretended to cry.

            "Yeah. Yeah. I get it already so shut it."

            The two of them worked for dinner, with Ayla talking about random topics.

            The next days were like that night. Ayla would come in Eliza's house and cook for her. It came to a point where Ayla would insist to have a sleepover at her house because she wanted to cook Eliza's lunch. It became a daily routine. With all the days Eliza spent with Ayla, she noticed how different her attitude is at school and at home. While Ayla is childish and immature when they are together, she is a sweet but detached student when at school. Most of the time, Ayla won't talk to Eliza unless there are only a few people around. She seemed to be known by almost everyone, but as Ayla had said, she doesn't have friends. The people around her kept their distance from her as did she.

            A month after the opening of classes, the school held its first general assembly. The students were made to stand at the middle of the scorching hot sun. Eliza, being a vampire, broke away from the line and retreated to the shade of a nearby tree. A few moments after, a brute looking man came to her.

            "Hey. Go back to your line." The brute man said. His armband was embedded with the words "VP". Eliza didn't budge and remained seated at the root of the tree. The brute man curled his fists and veins bulged in his forehead making him look like a cyborg with oversized cables. When she saw him, she snorted which only made the brute angrier. "You-"

            "I'll handle this one Bruce." A familiar voice said. It was gentle yet full of authority. Bruce turned around then looked back at Eliza and sped away.

            "I thought the SC never listen to anyone." Eliza said, still sitting at the root.

            "We don't." Ayla answered with her usual Ayla-at-the-school tone.

            "We? What do-" Eliza stopped in her words and saw Ayla's armband with the big letter "P". "You've got to be kidding me. You are the president?"

            "You didn't know?" Ayla asked, surprised. But then her voice went back to the normal school tone. "Anyway, go back to your line."

            "I didn't listen to him so why-"

            "Go back." Ayla said, her eyebrow arching up. Her voice was low yet it sent Eliza standing up.

            "Fine, fine. But you'll need to treat me if the sun burns my skin."

            Ayla didn't respond but left without looking back. Eliza went back to her line and she had to endure the burning heat of the sun. She looked at Ayla smiling at the brute and Eliza unconsciously stared at him with a killing intent.

            What's with that attitude? She didn't even retort. Ayla would usually pout her lips and go on the verge of crying with her puppy eyes. Why is she so cold to me. Why did she smile at him when she didn't even smile at me?. Ayla is an idiot.


            "I still can't get over with the fact that you are the SC President." Eliza said.

            "What's wrong about that?"

            "Nothing. I was just surprised. "

            "Well, you see, the students are afraid of me while the teachers, though they also fear me, likes me since I am smart and always at the top of the class. I am admired and feared at the same time. That is why I was chosen as the President." Ayla explained.

            "Feared?" Eliza asked, clearly confused.

            "Lai, I'll just get some dress. I'll be sleeping over today. Please?"

            "When did you learn the world 'please'?" Eliza laughed. Why are you avoiding my question again?

            Ayla turned right while Eliza waited for her, pondering the mystery behind Ayla's words.

(A/N I was thinking about GunJack from tekken when I wrote about Bruce. Hahaha. Anyway, I hope you like the story! I would also appreciate it if you will follow me on wattpad or leave a comment so that I can give you, my dear readers, better stories about girls falling in love with other girls. :) )

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