Your My WHAT!

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"Okay," a turquoise haired boy stepped forward, "I guess I get to go first. Yay!" A lot of the kids in front of them rolled their eyes. 

"Well, I'm Teddy Remus Lupin. I am 21 years old. When I was at Hogwarts I was in Hufflepuff. Also I played quidditch and was a great captain!" Teddy said.

"Wait, who is your mom?" Remus asked. Teddy smiled, but it looked more sad then happy.

"Nymphadora Tonks."  Tonks and Remus looked at each other. Tonks smiled a bit before Teddy stepped back. Two blondes and a red head stepped up. 

"I am Victoire Weasley---" 

"Weasley's can't be blonde!" Ron said. Hermione elbowed him and gestured for her to go on. 

"I am 20 and was in Ravenclaw. I will wait until my siblings are done to tell you our parents." Victoire finished.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, witches and wizards, children of all ages, and---" A black haired girl elbowed the red head to stay on track. "Right. I'm Dominique Weasley but you can call me Dom. I'm 17 and it's my last year as a Gryffindor. But I guess now we have to hear about boring old Louis." Dom said.

"Hey!" The boy that was  apparently named Louis said. "I'm not boring. Anyways," he grumbled, "I'm Louis Weasley. 13 in Ravenclaw or whatever. Oh and our parents are Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour." Bill looked shocked.

"Isn't she that girl from the tournament?" Harry asked. 

"Yup." Bill said. He looked a little shocked, which would make since because he just found out he was married an had three kids in the future. 

"Wow. Bill actually got a girl." Fred said.

"I know, I always thought I would be the only son in our family to have kids and settle down." George agreed.

"Wait son-" Ron started. 

"Well yes dear brother. We all know that Ginny will have at LEAST three kids. And maybe a family if she has time. Me and George have a bet on Ginny you see." Fred said, cutting Ron off. Ginny glared at the boys and two girls stepped forward. 

"Well, lets just move along before Aunt Ginny gets anymore mad. I'm Molly Weasley. I am 16 and am in my sixth year at Hogwarts. Also I am a Hufflepuff. This is my little sister Lucy---" Molly had started. 

"Who is fully capable of talking for herself." Lucy swiftly cut off her sister.

"I am 13 and I am in Ravenclaw. And before you all get mad when we say our parents, know that he comes back. Our parents are Percy and Audrey Weasley. He named Molly after you, Grandma." Lucy told Mrs. Weasley, who was tearing up. 

"Aw, enough with the sob stories." A boy who looked like Fred and George with darker skin piped up. 

"It's time to hear from the most handsome, most intelligent, most witty of the bunch." He said.

"Oh so its my turn." A girl with long, black hair said smirking at the boy. He scowled.

"No, obviously it's my turn. I am the AMAZING Fred Weasley the second. Now, I know your all thinking, how can he be better then Fred the first? But trust me, I am. I am the proud pranker of Hogwarts, part of Gryffindor and in fifth year. Also I have my trusty side kick--" 

"Excuse you. We are partner in crimes. I am not your sidekick. If anything Charlie should lead us." A boy that looked like Harry with hazel eyes said. Charlie (P) looked terribly confused. 

"You know what your right." Fred (F) said. 

"Anyways, I'm Roxanne Weasley. You can call me Roxy though. I am also in Slytherin and am 14. There is nothing to say about me so next!"

"Our parents are George and Angelina Weasley." They said together.

Fred smirked and George gave him two galleons. 

"I won't do any over dramatics. I am Rose Weasley. I am in my fourth year at Hogwarts and excel in Ravenclaw house." Rose said. She sounds like Hermione. All the past people thought.

"I am Hugo, a third year Gryffindor. Our parents are Ron and Hermione Weasley." He said. 

"I marry Ron?" Hermione whispered way to loudly to Ginny.

"Apparently" Ginny 'whispered' back.

"And it came down to us." A boy that looked like Harry said. 

"Well my friends, gather around and you shall hear, of the greatest person on earth, James Sirius Potter. I am 15 and in Gryffindor. Part of the trio of DESTRUCTION!" James said. 

"I like that name." Both Fred's said. 

"My turn. I am Charlotte Minerva Potter. You can call me Charlie. I was nicknamed after my uncle. I am 15 twins with the idiot named James and in Gryffindor as well. And, apparently the newfound leader of the trio of destruction. Also can someone fix my arm?" Charlie said. Molly (P) rushed forward to help.

"How come you guys made her leader?" George asked.

"Because she comes up with the pranks and takes the blame for us if necessary." Fred (F) said shrugging. 

"Your turn Al. And don't forget full name." Charlie said with an evil grin. 

"I'm Albus Severus Potter." Al mumbled. 

"Sorry can't hear you." James said.

"Fine. I'm Albus Severus Potter. In Slytherin and 14." Albus looked like the miniature version of Harry. 

"And I'm Lily Luna Potter. 13 and in Hufflepuff" She said.

"Our parents are Ginny and Harry Potter." They all said. 

Ginny and Harry both had red faces and all the Weasley brothers were glaring at Harry.

"Wait, what about them?" Charlie asked. He motioned to where two blondes were standing. 

"Well, I guess we were just along for the ride." The boy said. 

"Please introduce yourselves." Dumbledore said.

"Okay. Well I'm Scorpius Malfoy and I am 13 in Slytherin." That's why they looked so familiar. Most of the people from the past thought. (Mostly the people that went to school with him.)

"I'm Lexi Malfoy. I am 13 and in Hufflepuff. Me and Lils are both on the quidditch team too!" Lexi said. "Well, our dad is obviously Draco Malfoy, but our mom is Astoria Greengrass." The young witch said brightly.

Ron still seemed to be processing that he had kids because he turned to Hugo and yelled, "Your my WHAT!" 

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