A Late Night Visitation

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An odd scent drifted through the room. Odd but also familiar. His Shizun was Master of the Alchemical Branch of Leifeng Sect and he'd long since learned to recognize the herbs and roots of his discipline. He recognized that odor, a blend of herbs that had a narcotic effect on most people. It was particularly effective on snakes, leaving him to wonder if someone had recognized his and Auntie Green's true natures.

Gathering his bedding over his nostrils, he shifted around so he could see the window. It was open, when it'd been closed before they'd gone to bed. Outside was dark, but the light from the courtyard below was enough. He spotted smoke drifting through the window and into the room.

Another shift let him look at Auntie Green. Her eyes were wide open, but something about the way she lay told him she was out cold. Snakes didn't have eyelids and apparently she didn't tend to use them when she slept in human form. He turned his attention on fake Shirong and was relieved to see him staring back, expression worried.

[Intruder,] Shun wrote in the air. [Be ready.] The smoke would knock a human out too, but it'd take longer. Likely whomever it was attempting to put them to sleep had more than enough time to do whatever they meant to do.

Fake Shirong's greatest advantage over his predecessor was his quick intelligence and willingness to do what he was told. He closed his eyes. Turned in his bed so he was pretty nearly face down, covering his nose. His body moved slow and peaceful, as if he were simply shifting in his sleep and resettling.

It took a while before a sound at the window told Shun someone was climbing in. He remained still, feeling the slight vibrations as they pulled themself over the sill and stepped onto the thick soft carpet. Shun regretted the stuff immediately. Its presence made it difficult to follow the intruder's movements.

A dark red-tinted light glowed, soft and barely visible. An answering glow formed on Shun's finger. His spatial ring's seal gem brightening slightly against his finger. Automatically he spun it around, hiding it inside his fist, and was pleased to see Fake Shirong doing the same. It was so pleasant, so refreshing, having a Shidi who actually used his brains for something.

The intruder moved towards Auntie Green, holding a small red gem in their hand as they examined her carefully. She was glowing slightly herself, telling Shun that the gem found things of magic. No doubt Shun would be glowing too, if the seal on his demonic power weren't still in place.

Shifting in his bed, forcing the intruder to freeze in place, Shun glanced at fake Shirong. Interesting. He was glowing too, though the shade was different. Paler. A blue tint that seemed impossible in this dim red light. Was this because he was transmigrated, or due to his status as Chosen One? There was no real answer.

Nor was this the time to worry about it. The intruder had stopped to stare at fake Shirong, as puzzled by the faint light as Shun was. If there was a moment to act, it was now, and Shun didn't hesitate. He spun out of his bedding, right behind the stranger, one arm sweeping around their neck, the other catching their elbow and pulling it back.

A moment later he was nearly flung to the ground by the heavier man's reaction. If he hadn't twisted just a bit harder, forcing the man into an even more painful position, he'd have been thrown.

Fake Shirong joined him, taking the man's feet out from under him with one of those odd twisting attacks of his. Sometime, Shun was going to have to have his Shidi teach him what he knew. The moves were obviously effective and definitely useful.

"Let go you little...."

"I don't think so. Shirong Shidi, light the lamp. I want to see who it is who thinks it wise to come poking around in a Leifeng Sect disciples' chamber."

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