Chapter 19

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Thanks to certain people comments in Chapter 17, this chapter has changed from my original idea making it 2x longer. Longest chapter ever.



Everyone in that room, aside from Rift recognize that voice from anywhere even if one has not heard it in years. Tears filled everyone's eyes seeing the one who they lost that meant so much standing and breathing right in front of them. All the anger left Reverse along with his massive attack as he stared in disbelief at the one person who could save him.

Standing not too far from everyone was Light who's calming aura spread around the room as his kind silver eyes glance at his family and friends. Behind him were Sabre, Lucas, Shadow and Silver. Sabre was supporting Shadow since he could not stand properly due to his ankle being dislocated, Sabre's powers could do so much. Lucas was next to them and if you look hard enough you can see a small Steve just a few shades darker than Light hiding behind him.

No one made a move, not even Rift but he was buried under some rubble and unconscious so he couldn't if he wanted to. No one knew what to do, until Rainbow ran over to his brother moments later and tackle him in a hug, almost knocking them to the ground.

"I-Is that really you? Is it really you Light?" Dark ask shaking. His feet were wobbling that he almost fell down as he walked over to Light.

Light smiled and held out a hand telling Dark that the white Steve in front of him was indeed his younger brother that he missed dearly. Dark found his ground as he broke into a run and engulfed the two in a tight hug, especially Light as if he would disappear if he didn't. As for Reverse, he was hesitant about joining them as much as he wanted to, he still believes that Rainbow and Dark don't like him and now he thinks that Light no longer love him because Reverse was his killer.

"Reverse" Light said getting the Steve's attention.

Light held out one of his hands to show Reverse he could come to them while their other two brothers had a smile on each of their faces. Reverse look at Light in disbelief.


"You were never at fault Rev, now come and give us a hug little brother"

Hearing his old nickname made something click in Reverse's mind. It did not take long before Reverse came running to his brothers' arms letting out of his emotions in tears. Rainbow, Dark and Reverse were all crying as Light said comforting words to them all. They were happy to have their Light back after so many years. Meanwhile Nightmare could not help, but to cry seeing all four of his boys together once again; not much could make him cry, not after how much he had seen during his lifetime. Plague on the other hand let it all out seeing such a beautiful sight and hugged Nightmare who just rubbed his back knowing that the green/blue Steve gets very emotional.

For the first time in Shadow's life, he got to see his dad truly smile aside from the day he was born which did not count since he did not remember. Sabre and Lucas shared a smile among themselves, they were happy for them especially for Reverse after Light told them the truth about what happened that day. As for Silver, he was very confused being that he only known Lucas, Sabre, his pa - Light - and his dad his entire life, but if his pa was happy, he was too.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for everything Light" Reverse cried.

Dark shook his head, "No it was my fault, I'm the oldest and I let all of this happen"

"And I'm at fault too, I'm your twin and should have been there for you" Rainbow admitted.

"Hush all of you. It's all in the past so everyone is forgiven now" Light smiled. He was so happy to have all his brothers back and not fighting.

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