Before We Begin...

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I know it is deathly annoying when stories start out with an author's note but I thought I had better mention one or two things first.

1) I imagine that this story probably takes place after the end of Series 4 but before the beginning of Series 5.

2) The Merlin family is alive and well. By this I mean everyone's favourite knights are alive and not evil (Elyan, Gwaine, Lancelot, Leon, Percival), Camelot's favourite serving girl come Queen (Gwen - I have yet to decide whether or not a merthur storyline will emerge), Gaius is alive too (as well as obviously Arthur and Merlin). Uther is dead (yippee - he was a bit of a d*ck really) but Morgana is alive and kicking. 

3) Merlin's magic is still very much a secret (except to Gaius and Lancelot).

4) There may well be strong language and detailed/graphic reference to anxiety/depression/self harm/torture etc (so heads up and trigger warning).

5) Obviously I do not own the BBC show 'Merlin'. It sort of goes without saying but then everyone does say it so I thought I'd hop on the bandwagon too.

Ok. I think that's everything I wanted to mention. On with the story...

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