Chapter 5

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"So........I have something to tell you guys," I chewed my lip nervously, knowing my dad was going to react horribly.

"What's wrong Baby girl?" Dad instantly noticed my timidness.

"Promise me you won't get mad!" I blurted out, afraid of telling them.

"Sweetheart, relax. We're not going to be mad at you no matter what, right Grey?" Mom asked, standing up and stroking my hair as my hands shook.

"I promise I'll keep my temper in check," He coaxed softly, his hand gently cradling my face.

"I found my mate......but he's not....he's not like us," I mumbled looking down at my hands.

"Is he human?" Dad pressed, looking fearful.

I shook my head, not really wanting to tell them.

"He's...he's a...a vampire...," I flinched, curling into myself and awaiting their outburst.

"NO! THERE'S NO WAY! HE'S NOT YOUR MATE HAZEL!" Dad roared slamming his fist down on the table so hard that it broke in half.

I whimpered and curled in on myself, afraid he would lash out at me as he continued breaking things around the house.

Mom was crying as she shakily pulled me into her lap and protectively covered my body with her arms.

He eventually pulled the door open hard enough to shatter the glass and took off god knows where.

"Shhh, it's okay we're okay. We're okay Baby," she stroked my hair as she softly rocked me.

I felt awful, why had I told him. I should've just hidden it.

"I...I'm bed," I hiccuped pulling away from her. 

"Okay...and sweetheart?" She stopped me as she tried to dry her eyes.

"I love you," she whispered worriedly, clearly afraid I was going to do something harmful to myself.

"I love you too," I kissed her cheek and pulled out my phone as I went up the stairs to text Bri to come stay with my mother.

I knew she had a suicidal history, especially in the event that my father was not there to provide her comfort and safety.

I ran some bath water and locked the door to provide some  coverage for where I was.
I easily slipped out the window and took off towards the Northeast.

It didn't take long to reach the woods and trace Damien's scent.

Darling? What are you doing out here in the middle of the night? It's not safe for you.

I didn't answer Damien and instead waited on him to come find me.

"Darling, is everything okay?" He kneeled down beside me and draped a blanket over my shoulders to protect me from the bitter air.

I shook my head, curling even further into myself.

"Come on, let's go somewhere warmer," he offered as he picked me up.

I nodded against his chest and pulled the blanket tighter around myself.

Eventually we reached a quaint little log cabin in the woods. I could tell that at one point it had been boarded up and falling apart, however it looked almost brand new despite the cracked, crumbling stone chimney.

He sat me down and pulled the door open, inviting me in.

"This used to be my childhood fort, my escape from my mother. As I've gotten older it has become more of a project," he looked proud of himself as he closed the door behind us.

He sat me down in a cushioned arm chair by the fireplace as he started a fire.

He pulled me into his lap and stroked my hair softly, silently comforting me.

"I..I told my parents...about.... you," I mumbled, pulling my arms up to protect myself from him, in case he lashed out like my father.

"Darling don't do that, I would never lay a hand on you like that," he grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it softly before pushing it back into my lap.

"I'm to assume they did not take it well," he purred softly against my cheek.

I nodded and looked away, into the flickering flames, to take my mind off of everything.

Hazel!  Hazel where are you? - Aro mind linked me worriedly.

Hazel, are you okay sweetheart, I know you left. Please just tell me you're alright Baby? - Mom mumbled worriedly in the back of my mind.

I'm fine, I promise I'm fine - I responded to both of them before closing out my mind link ability.

"Baby? Are you okay?" Damien pressed his lips against my neck and left a chaste kiss there.

"I'm fine," I turned away not willing to admit anything.

"No you're not, Darling please don't lie to me," he stood up and took me to the bedroom.

"Look, I don't want to talk about any of it. Just shut up and hold me," I demanded, turning my back on him.

"Okay Darling, I can do that," he grinned into my hair as his arms pulled me closer so that my back was flush against his chest.  

"Thank you," I mumbled quietly.

He softly kissed the side of my neck in response, his cold hand rubbing my arm.

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