one hell of a day

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My mother came home half a hour later and started making dinner and made me call the police to make the reporters leave.

The police arrived 20 minutes later and knocked on the door.

"Hello is this the price residence" the officer asked when i open the door.

"Yes one moment i go get my mother" i say turning.

"Mother the police man is here" i say poking my head into the kitchen.

She nodded drying her hands, she walked past me and i looked at the tv she was watching and saw it was showing the end of a replay of when Colby was in the backyard with me,i hear the door close and I panic and walk to the stairs.

"Annabelle love" she calls sweetly.

"Yes mama" i call back.

"What was that boy doing here this afternoon" she says with a bite.

"Oh sorry i didn't mention it mama i asked colby to bring me my school work" i say sweetly.

"Oh okay dear just remember not to get 'to close' to boys" she says putting emphasis on the 'to close'.

"I know mama. Im going to study some more" i say walking to the stairs.

I get to by room and i close the door, i sit on my bed and sigh picking up my phone and opening my chat with colby.

Me: hey colby we may have a problem if you are going to keep popping up at my house.

I send it placing my phone on my desk i start taking out clean night cloths. I hear my phone buzz and go and pick it up.

Colby: hey what do you mean might have a problem?

Me: well mom saw it on the news and i swear i was going to get beat with a spoon and it puts me at risk even without the news people cause this house is covered in cameras.

I head to the bathroom phone in hand, i turn on the water and wait for it to heat up i look at my phone one last time before my shower.

Colby: well if anything happens you fucking call me and i'll be there to pick you up alright i think that asshole brother of yours has done enough.

Me: it's been worse trust me and i thought you said you didn't care? Anyways i'm getting in a shower i have a hell of a day i have to fight through tomorrow i have to bus to school while adam rides with his girlfriend and im still stuck with this cast, i'll talk to you later.

I lock my phone and get in the shower. I can't wait to get this cast off and shower for real.

I quickly shower and get dressed. I go to grab my phone but its missing i go in my room and see my mom, dad and adam all standing around my desk, mom had my phone in her hand and adam was looking at the booklet.

"Um what are you guys doing?" i ask walking over

"Well annabelle i personally don't like this colby boy and what adam has told me has given me all the proof i need to do a room search." my dad said firmly with a nod of his head.

"That's not fucking fair and i'm almost positive it's illegal to do this its called privacy and you are in the wrong by doing this" i shout back without thinking.

"And the fact that you came into my private bathroom while i was naked and took my phone is a whole other charge waiting to happen" i add.

"Well it looks like i have all the reason to do so look hun she's planning to run away with him and told him our family business." my mom states making my father look at me.

I shrink into my self with that, he starts taking off his belt looking me dead in his eyes.

"That's not the case dad i just told him that him coming here concerned mom and that it would be best he didnt anymore." i mumble backing up into the door of my bathroom thinking of opening it and running in and locking it.

He finishes taking off his belt and walks closer to me i close my eyes waiting for the pain. The first hit lands across my belly sending me to my hands and knees in pain the next 20 hit me right on my blistered back.

By the time he's done with me my back is covered in blood and im a sobbing mess on the floor. He throes my phone at me and tells me to call colby unless i want more, i shake as i pick up the phone and click his contact and press call.

"Hello" he says in a groggy voice.

I look up at my dad and he tells me to invite him to dinner tomorrow.

"Hey *sniffle* my dad wanted to know if you would like to come to dinner tomorrow? *hiccup*" i fight to get it out.

" what the hell have they done to you, you know what pack a bag and get ready i'm coming to get you" he says, i can hear him getting ready.

"No no *sniffle* it's all good if you cant he wont mind talk to your family tomorrow" i rush out.

"Annabelle is he close to you talk like its a normal conversation" he says calming down.

"Yea my moms a great cook" i say hiccuping again at the end.

Then i see dad smirk and started crying knowing i didn't fool him, another hit and i scream into the phone. Colby cursed and hung up and i know he's coming but i couldn't do anything to stop him. Dad whipped me some more then there was a banging on the door i jumped up grabbing my phone and running to the stairs falling down them and running out the front door grabbing colbys arm on my way by, he and i rush into the car and he tears off away from the house.

I knew i had to go back at some point but right now i was in so much pain i didn't care i'll deal with that at a later point he drives around making sure no one's following us.

Soon enough we were 3 towns over and his seat is covered in blood i calmed down and he pulls into a emergency room and gets out coming around to help me out seeing as i had no crutches.

We walk in and get rushed by nurses, i look at colby and he squeezes my hip making me wince.

"Sorry, you'll be fine i'm right here i'm not going anywheres" he mumbles to me.

"She was attacked by her father, her family has caused all these injuries and we are from three towns over and out of fear we came here if you could contact the police that would be great." colby says calmly helping me sit in the wheelchair a nurse brought over for me he then wheels me following the nurse.

He stands outside my door while they cut my shirt and dressings for my burn. They gasp when they see my back and start to rush around they open the door and i hear one tell colby that i need a lot of stitches.

They give me a needle with some numbing in it and i relax letting it work and soon enough they are stitching me up and covering me up and letting colby into the room.

"I'm scared to know how bad it is" i mumble after 20 minutes of silence.

"To be honest i'm scared to look partly because you are shirtless" he says with a smirk, i roll my eyes.

"They won't just call the police you know that right, so why are you still here my family will be coming so you should go i'll find away to pay you back for your seat" i mumble turning my head to look away from him.

"Hell no im not leaving im making sure you tell the truth this time and i mean the full truth nothing and i mean nothing gets held back, i called my family and told them what's happening and my mom told me you're staying in the guest house no if ands or buts, it's a nice little place a tiny kitchen, a in suite bathroom, a queen sized bed, a desk, a tv, wifi, food and most of all your safe our house is surrounded by a locked gate and full security system" he listed off.

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