"mom you didn't?"

"We did"

I had showed her my pink jeep just like those Barbie doll jeeps. She used to love Barbie Derek and I had got it painted pink.

"just for you my little princess I got it painted and I got this come over here"

I showed her the licenses plate it said 'BRBE GRL'.

"KILLOOO Delani come here baby oh do you want to take a ride around the block just to see how it rides"

"yea ma lets go"

We got in the car with Kilo riding around the block and she was cheesing the entire time. I felt so proud when we got back to the house and she was ready to eat. Derek sat in the living room watching the highlights of last nights game. Delani being 9 years old and prissy as hell was not paying attention to the tv she was on her phone.

"peoples lets eat" I said

"finally girl I'm hungry" Derek said walking into the kitchen passing me making his plate

We all sat down and ate and all hung around until Delany came.

After Dinner

We were all just chilling around and Derek and I were our room. We were watching tv until Derek got up and closed the door. I cocked my eyebrow looking at him suspiciously.

" what are you up to?"

"Me? Oh nothing but I have something to show you?"

He leaned over the bed and had his butt in the air and I smacked it then when he turned around I was looking the other way like I didn't just smack his butt. He handed me a box I looked at him and smiled laughing a bit.

"What's this?"

"Open it"

I open it and took it out the box and saw it some lingerie. It was light blue and there was a bit attached to the bottom 'my present to myself from myself'-Derek

" Derek we are not having sex right now not while both of the kids are wide awake and downstairs and your sister could pop up any minute"

"Sure we can remember a couple years ago you went on that trip to coastal Rico I got our room sound proof so we could have sex and be as loud as we want as long as the door is closed"

"Derek imma pray for you" I said looking at the lingerie

"I'm gonna have you calling for god in a minute" he whispered

"I heard that big head"

I went in the bathroom and changed in the lingerie. It was blue and it was crotchless it felt weird. I walked back in the room where Derek was.

"Damn girl" he bit his lip and I laughed of his exaggerated tone of voice

I walked over to him and sat in his lap. I kissed him slowly and passionately. I pulled back and he flipped us over and started to kiss me. I turned us over and got on top kissing his neck. I took off his shirt and kissed all over his body. I could feel the tension start to build up I pulled off his pants and kissed his thighs.

"I thought you said you didn't want to have sex"

He lifted his head up and I just laughed smacking his head down.

Delaney POV

The kids and I were sitting downstairs not really doing anything just enjoying each other company.

"so mommy and daddy been up there a while huh? Did they say when your grandmas was coming?" I said watching my show

"no they didn't I can ask if you want me to aunt lala?" Alyssa said looking at her phone

Daddy Luh Dirty/Cute Interracial ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now