Chapter 14

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The last time Alex had gone though a ground bridge, it was only so she could travel a couple of miles. Not a whole country and more. She was surrounded by a current of static. Her body felt fuzzy and her head felt heavier then ever before. It's hard to say what she saw. It was nothing and everything all at once. In the beginning at least. But it all started to fade, and she soon felt like she was floating in zero gravity.

Ha funny. This is just like when that Prime kept teleporting me to him. But that's not happening

"Greeting human."

.....I really need to learn to stop jinxing myself.

Alex turned to face the voice. Though was shocked when she found not one but 13 huge cybertronions staring down at her.

"This is sooo going to give me neck pains later."

She waved nervously, "Umm. Hi. Nice to meet you all?"

I think. I hope. God I really hope so

"Fear not. You have done nothing wrong"

Alex looked straight into the optics of the central bot,

"Oh hey it's you!" She smiled "How are you doing? So I guess this means you're all the 13 primes?"

"Indeed young one. And we have a few things to discuss with you."

"Okay. Just please tell me I'm not going to be gone for ages like last time?"

"No little human. When we are finished with you, we will send you back to the exact timeframe you were summoned from."

Oh thank primus!

"So.......Now That I've found my guardian, are going to take Jazz back?"

"No. Jazz has much to do before he once more becomes one with the allspark."

"Good to know. And um, speaking of guardians. You made Shockwave. The decepticon mad scientist. My guardian? Cause you were really pushing your luck with that guy. I mean, I've seen how little he cares about humans. And don't get me wrong. As a character I love the guy. But in real life? He's pretty damn scary."

Alex paused as she processed what she was saying. And it suddenly clicked.

"Ohhhhh. THAT'S why you did it. You took away one of megatons key players."

Come on Alex that was so fucking obvious! God I feel so stupid right now

It didn't help that one of the primes commented on this as well,

"Primus this human is slow."

Though insulted, Alex ignored the need to defend herself and insult the prime in return. Especially considering she is one small human against an ancient alien.

Okay! Changing the subject

"Hey so," Alex raised her hand to reveal the bracelet, "Who do I have to thank for this?"

"That is mine. I am Almalgamous Prime. I have allowed you to burrow my weapon. But make no mistake, once this war ends I will retrieve what is mine."

"Nice to meet you, and don't worry. I don't plan on being on your most wanted list." He seemed friendly enough, but Alex didn't want to risk his bad side coming out. When the primes optics glanced down at his weapon, a deep chuckle emanated from the prime. Putting her on edge.

"It is amusing how quickly you forgot about my gifts ability to create groundbridges. Though after studying your species I'm not completely surprised."

".......yeah. I'm going to pretend that was on purpose. Anyway! Why did you have to wait til this moment to summon me? You talked to Jazz easily last time."

The prime furthest to her left grunted, just like Ironhide, bringing her attention to him,

"Your human minds are so chaotic. No organisation. No structure. Opportunities are rare and far between for us to summon you. Using the groundbridge separates ones spirit, making it easy to enter your mind."

You know what, not one part of that surprises me. Though I don't appreciate the insult

"Thanks. So um which of you keeps summoning me?"

The central prime spoke once more, "We all summon you, but I Alpha Trion am the one who first greeted you. Apologises for the late introduction."

Alex smiled, happy to have a name at last, "No apology needed,"

"Though you have many questions yet to be answered. It's time you returned to Earth young one."

Alex nodded in understanding, though only moments later realised something she had forgotten,

"Wait! There is just one more thing I would like to ask for. Well. Actually it's more like guidance."

The primes, as impatient as they were becoming, allowed Alex to continue with her request,

"I never had any idea when I was watching the movies, but. Is Sunstreaker alive? And if yes, then where the bloody hell is he? Is he on earth? If so then that would make things soooo much easier. But if you tell me he's in space. Then boy oh boy. That's going to be a problem. I mean. I need everyone to be as ready as possible for the future. That means they have to be in top fighting form. And that means Sideswipe needs his twin. Which is kind of obvious in any case. Plus if Sunstreaker stays true to form, he'll be- actually the TWINS would be an extreme advantage for the autobots. Which considering how small the autobot numbers are, they need it. But primus. Please DON'T tell me he's dead. Because that's the last thing I need to hear. Since 1. He is one of my all time favourite transformers. 2. Sideswipe would not handle that well, but hey you can't expect anything else, they are twins after all. And 3. Why would you let him of all transformers die!? He- actually wait......yeah I can't really say that. Yeah no. No. Not everyone would agree with that statement............Anyway! Do you get what I'm trying to say?...............what did I ask again?"

"He lives."

"Oh come on! It's just a question and I really need to kno- wait."

Did he just- He said- Oh. My. God.

"Sunstreakers alive?!"

"And nearing your planet."

"So he's coming soon?"

"At some point in time yes."


"Your going to leave me hanging aren't you."

"We answered you question. And have kept you here longer then we should. Now return to you world."

She went to say something. But a blinding light engulfed Alex's vision and she was forced to close her eyes. Her body suddenly felt as if it was being lifted into the air, a strong breeze around her. Followed by the sensation of falling. Wait. Alex quickly her eyes.

"Oh you have got to be fucking with meeeeeeeeeee!!"


Hey. Just wanted to say thank you to the people who liked my story enough to add it to their library's. And to say thank you for waiting. I think 🤔.

Anyway! See ya folks 👋

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