Chapter 15: Death Eaters

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We hadn't heard anything from anyone which could be good or bad but we wouldn't know since everyone had been in hiding now from death eaters.

Death eaters had gone around everywhere trying to look for Harry but no one told them anything, they hadn't come to Eva's just yet but I knew at some point they would come looking. I also knew that Eva's mum knew that death eaters could come by at any moment, she tried not to seem worried but I knew deep inside she was frightened by the thought.

"Girls?" Eva's mum asked as she walked by Eva's room, Eva and I sat on her bed while looking through old notes we used to pass in class.

"Yeah mum?" Eva asked as we looked up, her mum came into the room and sat on the bed next to us.

"Girls, I need to talk to you both about something very important." She started and Eva sighed, "Mum, if it's about the death eaters," She started then sighed again, "We know." She finally said and Eva's mum looked down, paused, the looked back up with a fake smile.

"At some point when they come, we need to have a plan." She said and we both nodded while listening to her.

"When they come, you girls will need to go strictly to the attic. No questions." She told us.

"You are both to not say a word, move a muscle, or come out until one of us comes up to get you both." She told us and we both nodded.

"What about you, and dad?" Eva asked as her mum got up, she looked at us thinking about what to say.

"Don't worry about us, just worry about getting up to that attic." She said and we both nodded as she walked out of the room.

We sat there for a few moments, I knew Eva wasn't taking what her mum just told us too well. The fact that her mum was putting her life on the like for us I knew it hit a nerve in her.

"Eva?" I finally asked, "N-Not just yet." She whispered and I nodded as we continued to sit there, I put my hand on my stomach.

I knew I couldn't argue, even if Eva argued, I couldn't. I couldn't put mine or my baby's life on the line right now, not with everything going on.

After Eva and I sat for a bit, she finally sighed and put her head in her hands.

"Mia, what are we going to do?" She asked and I put my hand on her shoulder, "Well," I started and she looked up at me.

"We are going to listen." I told her plainly and she stared at me with big eyes, "But we can't let mum do that, my parents could be killed." She said sadly and I sighed.

"I-I know, but right now we just need to hope that when the death eaters come that your parents will be ok." I told her and gave a small smile, I didn't believe it but right now Eva needed it.

"Alright." She whispered as I watched her put her box of notes away.

Later we all sat down for supper, everyone was super quiet but I knew that the entire situation was still tense. Eva didn't exactly know how to feel about her parents at the moment and I knew that both her parents were frightened but tried to keep it together for everyone. All I could think of was how the Weasley's were doing, if George was ok, and of course the rest of his family.

The entire night had been just a big blur, with my mind racing in circles and with the tense vibes coming from both Eva and her parents it all wore me out. I stared out the window as I lay in my bed, hoping soon I would see the Weasley's. I put my hand on my stomach again and felt my unborn child, I didn't have much of a bump just yet but I knew everything would start getting really difficult pretty soon.

I turned over in the bed and stared at the wall. Something about staring at the wall helped me fall asleep rather than looking out the window, maybe there was less going on or maybe something about being inside a box helped contain my thoughts. Who knows?

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