Chapter 14: Survival

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It had been a month since we fled the wedding, and a month since I had saw George last. I couldn't contact him because they were being watched by death eaters, I hadn't told Eva about the pregnancy yet but I knew I would have to soon once I started showing.

"Mia, you haven't eaten." Eva said and I snapped out of my trance, "Oh, um, I'm not hungry." I mumbled and looked out the window again.

"You need to eat." She said and I shrugged as I kept my eyes staring out the window.

"Please?" Eva asked gently and I sighed before looking back at her. She seemed to be concerned, I looked down at the Yorkshire pudding in front of my and poked at it with my fork then shovelled a bit into my mouth.

"It won't be like this forever." Eva said and I shrugged, "What if it is?" I asked looking up at her and she stared at me.

"It won't, I promise." She said and I sighed before shovelling more food into my mouth. I may of not felt like eating but I knew my baby had to, I couldn't starve my baby.

"You know, on the bright side I came into contact with Harry, Ron, and Hermione." Eva told me and I looked up, at least we had some good news hopefully.

"They've started looking for the Horcruxes." She told me, "But they are ok right?" I asked worried.

"Of course! Bill and Fleur are letting them use their cottage." Eva told me and I settled.

"At least they are ok." I replied as I finished the Yorkshire pudding.

After we finished, I went up to the spare room Eva's mum let me stay in and I slipped out of my clothes and into a pair of pyjamas.

I laid down in the bed and stared out at the night sky. I had hoped Ron, Harry and Hermione found everything they needed. I hoped that the Weasley's would be ok, and most importantly I had hoped George would make it back to me safely.

*George POV*

I laid in the bed that Mia and I once shared together, the death eaters were all around keeping an eye on everyone. I missed her so much but I knew she was safe with Eva.

I couldn't seem to sleep, thoughts had been drowning in my head that I couldn't get out such as the fact that I hoped Mia was safe; that our baby was safe. Our baby, it had a good ring to it.

"Georgie?" I heard as Fred came into the bedroom, I sat up as he walked in and sat down in the lounge chair.

"Have the girls tried to contact you?" He asked and my eyes went open, "Don't talk so loud!" I half screamed but still whispered.

"Don't worry, I put a charm on our room they can't hear us." He told me and I sighed.

"Not yet, and they shouldn't." I told him and he shrugged, "It would still be nice to hear from them." He said and I laid back down on my bed with my hands resting behind my head.

"Yeah, But they're safe." I told him and he nodded, "I'm only hoping." He said and I shook my head.

"Don't say that, they are safe." I said looking at him and we were both quiet for a bit.

"Why did you and Mia leave the ceremony so quickly?" He asked and I knew I shouldn't tell anyone before I've met up with Mia again but I couldn't help it. That, and he's my twin.

"I'm going to tell you something." I started as I sat up and Fred nodded, "So uh, Mia's pregnant." I told him bluntly and his eyes went wide.

"Blimey! That's brilliant." He smiled as he walked over, I got up and we hugged.

"I'm going to be an uncle!" He smiled and I nodded, "I'm going to be a dad!" I said and he chuckled.

We both sat down and talked for a bit longer until he sighed and got up, he walked out of my room and I was then left again with my thoughts as my only friend. I thought to myself again, bloody hell, I missed Mia.

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