Chapter Seven {Reminisce }

Start from the beginning

"Thank you Tatsuki."

I didn't remember much about the rest of the day, with little attention paid to anything at all. I walked home alongside Ichigo and followed him inside his house. It was quite the coincidence that my parents were killed on the fourth anniversary of Masaki Kurosaki, Ichigo's mother's death. The Kurosaki's and I organised the day at the cemetery together so we were there to support one another, though they mostly supported me. I didn't pay a lot of attention during the meetings, but I did softly laugh at Ishin's antics. Despite his loss, he still managed to smile every day.

I was dreading the next day. Each time we went there, the mask I had managed to put on crumbled and I became a tearful mess. A dejected smile appeared on my face at the thought. When the meeting was over, I left without saying a word. Arriving home, Princess sat at the door waiting for me.

"Hey there Precious." I bent down to pat her, receiving a soft meow in return. "It's good to have your company." Her calming blue eyes met my own as she silently demanded her food, blocking entrance to my room. "Okay, I hear your message loud and clear." After feeding the fur-baby and treating myself to a bowl of chocolate ice cream, I walked back to my room. Carefully, I pulled out the sketchpad from my bag and placed it on the desk next to a silver dolphin figure: the last thing my mother gave me before she died.

My mum and I were extremely close. We did everything together: shopping, drawing, singing. She was my best friend. When she died, I didn't talk for an entire month, not even to Ichigo. I'd lost my support system and had no method of coping with the giant wave of grief. Eventually, Kisuke decided that I needed to break out of my silence and began to train me again. He became my family and the one I relied on most. I owed that man my life.

Quickly, I changed and quickly slipped under the covers of my bed, shutting my eyes. Sleep didn't come easily and when it finally did, I wasn't rewarded for my efforts.


Out of the darkness, I heard a loud crash that made me spring up from my bed. "Mum, Dad?" I called out. I slipped out from under the covers and walked down the stairs. I was greeted by my parents both cloaked with their shihakushos.

"Kukiko." Hurriedly, my dad grasped my hand, leading me to the linen closet and shoving me inside.

"Dad, what's going on?" Mum appeared next to the man and gave her gentle smile.

"Sweetie, I need you to stay in the closest. Do not open the door for anyone other than us; is that clear?"

"What's happening Mum?" The ever increasing panic caused my small body to shake.

"I asked if that was clear." Her comforting expression faded, being replaced with a stone-cold look. I quickly nodded; she leaned in and kissed my forehead. "I love you Kiko." She slammed the door shut and ran. I couldn't see, but I was able to hear everything.

"Why can't you just let us be?" I could make out my father's yells from outside, the open door allowing a cold wind to enter the building. However, I didn't recognise who had caused my anger.

"You know we can't. You've been sentenced to death for your crimes and it's time you came to accept that fact." The voice sounded as though he was only a few years older than me.

"We left! We left and started a new life! Please, just leave us alone." Desperation was evident in my mother's voice as she pleaded. Never had I heard her usual calm voice falter.

"I'm sorry, but this is how it has to be." The stranger responded with sympathy, but his voice turned to ice when he gave his orders, "Get them."

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