She pulled back a bit from his chest and looked into his eyes.

'I don't want to go back, please. Let's just keep on going. We're almost there aren't we?'

'I don't think-'

'Please, Luca I don't want to go back. I'll hold your hand, see? I'm holding it. Please keep going.'

Looking into those beautiful eyes, and glancing down to see how she had taken hold of his hand, for the first time no less. He couldn't refuse her.

'Fine. But hold tight and walk slowly Elizabeth.'

'I will.'

He felt her hand in his, heard her assurance that she would hold on. She trusted him to get her down safely. It was such a small thing. But at the same time big enough that it eased something inside of him.

Elizabeth could smell the ocean she knew she was close, she could almost feel it.

They made it down, and by the end of the pathway a bit over to the right, slightly hidden behind a few trees was a door. And that door was guarded by two men with guns.

Elizabeth held on just a bit tighter to Luca's hand, as she noticed them. And she knew by the look he gave her that he sensed it.

'Mr. Costas.'

One of them said, and Luca just nodded, as they unlocked the door for them. And when the door opened, it was like stepping into heaven. Ocean and sand. That was all you saw. A few people were there not many; it felt like a balm to a bruised soul.

She had always loved the ocean. Her parents and her use to go every time they got a chance, no matter what time of the year it was. It was nostalgic, and it brought her memories of comfort, warmth and endless love.

She just closed her eyes and took a deep breath. After being cooped up for so long, this was precisely what she needed. Freedom.

At which point she remembered Luca next to her. So maybe not freedom exactly but a feeling of being free. She had forgotten she was holding his hand, so she quickly let go of it, and started walking away from him.



'Don't walk too far ahead,'

She didn't respond. Didn't think she needed to. And to be fair, he kept to the background letting her roam, not too far but at least far enough to where she could pretend she was alone.

And sometimes that was all you needed, even if it was just for a little while. The pretense that things were fine, it lifted your spirits and gave you the strength to go on with reality.

Eventually, she heard him call her name; she stopped walking and waited for him to catch up.

'We need to get back.'

She was disappointed.

'Do we really? This has been so nice, can't we stay longer?'

'Aren't you cold?'

'No. Are you?'

'There is definitely a chill in the air, and my sweater is a lot thicker than yours. Is should have reminded you to bring a jacket with you.'

'It wouldn't have mattered anyway since I don't have one.'

'Didn't you have one when I picked you up at the airport?'

'Picked me up? That sounds a bit friendlier than it was.'

'Elizabeth, can we not do this right now?'

Point of no returnNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ