Arianna gave her a small smile. "Someday it won't hurt, though."

"I hope so." Lily exhaled, before straightening up. "Let's go sit."

Arianna led her back to the sofa, glancing at the door. "Arlo should be back very soon."

Lily forced a smile. "I can spend time with you too, you know? I'm fine with waiting for Arlo to come."

"Right." Arianna laughed. "Anyhow, how are things going for you?" She lowered her voice. "You're a spy in the Gongjensu now, aren't you?"

Lily blinked. "How did you know?"

Arianna shrugged nonchalantly. "Arlo told me, of course. You and Adrian."

Lily nodded, still getting used to the fact that Arlo told Arianna about things. Of course, she'd known plenty about Hosun's work, having had to manage his letters and such, but nothing to that extent.

"Don't look so shocked, he trusts me," Arianna said, grinning.

Lily closed her mouth. "I'm not shocked, just...surprised."

Arianna nodded. "I see. So, how is the spying?"

Lily grimaced. "Honestly, I don't think they trust me yet. I have to see them tonight, alone. That's why I need to talk to Arlo."

Arianna's eyebrows furrowed. "What do you need to say to Arlo?"

Lily shrugged. "I'm hoping he can give me some small bit of information to tell them, so they'll trust me more, but nothing that can actually harm us."

Arianna nodded, leaning back. "So, maybe something small, like that they suspect a few of the soldiers to be part of the Gongjensu."

Lily tilted her head to the side. "That might do. Which soldiers?"

"Come with me," Arianna said, leaping up. Lily followed her to a pair of polished wood doors, which Arianna pushed open to reveal what was obviously Arlo's study. A large desk, covered in papers, sat near the window.

Arianna made a small, disdainful sound. "I told him to clean it up." She walked closer and scooped the papers into small piles. Then she rifled through the drawers until she found what she was looking for.

She held up a piece of parchment, looking eagerly at Lily.

Lily had hung back, not willing to intrude on Arlo's privacy like that. Arianna walked closer, bringing her the paper.

"Memorize three of these names, that should be enough."

Lily nodded, scanning the first three and committing them to memory. She'd always been good at memorizing things.

She repeated them in her mind over and over as Arianna led her outside.

"So, do you still need to talk to Arlo?"

Lily shook her head. "No, thank you. I'll leave now."

Arianna nodded, smiling. "I'll see you at the bonfire tomorrow, then. Goodbye, Lily."

"Goodbye," Lily said, smiling as she walked outside, still repeating the three names in her mind.

She walked home, ready to have an early dinner so she could wake up by midnight. She went straight to the kitchen to begin cooking.

Someone cleared their throat.

Lily yelped, whirling around and holding out a dagger, at the very tip of the person's throat.

Adrian's eyes widened, and he backed away quickly, holding up his hands.

Lily sighed, putting the dagger away and pressing a hand to her chest. "You scared me. Stop sneaking in like that!"

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