The Fight

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Kayt woke up at 4 in the morning and showered. She painted her nails black and white for fun, they were pretty long no matter how much she bit her nails. She felt good about today. She got ready and went to finish the autobiography she was reading.

When it was 6:30 she grabbed her broom and went to the quidditch pitch. James was the first one there as usual.

"Hey Kayt!"

Kayt waved.

"What's up J?"

He looked at her with determination.

"If you're gonna beat up ty, please do it after practice or just don't get hurt. I mean not that you need practice, He does. I didn't say that though."

They started laughing.

"Hey J? How does one... I guess get with a sixth year girl? Or a girl in general?" Kayt was only asking because he's popular..

"Well! You just gotta be yourself k, I know you're talking about Alex. She's actually really cool and lowkey really gay. I didn't say that either though."

Kayt felt better.

"Wait how do you know?"

"My dads are friends with her dads. So we grew up together. Hey look there's the rest of the team lets go. And as for Alex, just ask her out."

Kayt nodded and they went to practice.

They had a good practice until they were walking to the locker rooms.

"Hey fag! How's it going with Alex? Did you know we snogged this morning? And it seems she liked it."

"Look I don't wanna start nothing just leave me alone."

He huffed, "Aww just heartbroken alex doesn't like you" he shoved her.

She just took a deep breath and ignored him. He finally went and hit her in the face hard enough to break her nose and give her a black eye. She looked around to see if Alex was there but realized she didn't care and hit him so hard she knocked him out.

"Don't talk about Alex like that you prick."

and then she stomped on his stomach.

One of the other girls from the team ran over.


James laughed, "Whatever you say! I'll send a patronus."

Kayt ran to the edge of the forbidden forest and slumped onto a tree. Her nose was broken and now she was probably gonna get kicked off of the team. She was bleeding, shes bleeding a lot. She was almost drifting into unconsciousness when she heard, "Kayt!"

She jerked up but had no energy to say anything. She heard running towards her and a scream.

"KAYT" Alex.


That's all she heard before passing out.

Alex and Bella just picked her up.

"C'mon love, don't die on me"

Bella smiled.

"Kayt I need you. You can't die!"

They took her to the castle. The girls refused to leave Kayt so Alex and Bella took turns staying just in case. Alex usually was allowed to spend the night. Everyone was losing hope on her but Bella and Alex never gave up.

When Kayt woke up she couldn't move, it hurt too much. She looked around to see a pair of bright blue eyes.

"Oh Love! You're awake! You were out for a week- full 7 days!"

Bella just hugged her.

"Thank god you're awake. We thought you died!"

Kayt was shocked, "What? I was out for that bloody long?"

The girls looked at each other then back at Kayt and nodded.

"Ty got a whole terms worth of detention and one more slip up and he's out!" "That's great!"

As Bella and Kayt chatted Alex called, "Madam Rosy? She woke up."

The nurse walked in, "Ah! It's a miracle we were about to send you to St. Mungos.. Here drink this!"

As Madam Rosy gave Kayt a lot of potions Alex looked like she was going to cry. She then sat on the bed and held Kayt's hand.

"Hey Alex, Kayt I'm glad to see you okay but I really have to go check on the green house okay?"

They nodded and she ran out.

There was a minute where the girls looked at each other.

"Why did you stay? Don't you have other friends and head girl duties?"

Alex squeezed her hand.

"You're more important."

Kayt remembered what Ty said.

"I thought you were with Ty? He said you snogged."

She looked quite offended but laughed.

"You mean he nearly assaulted me and has been for a while? Then yes we did 'snog'."

That made more sense but what she said next caught Kayt off guard.

"I'd rather not kiss blokes, especially not him. I have my eyes on someone else." "Well who is it?"

Alex leaned in and gave her a soft kiss.


Kayt pulled her back but closer to deepen the kiss.

At that moment Madam Rosy walked in, "Oh can we finish this diagnostic before you ladies get wild?"

They blushed. After some diagnostic spells Kayt was released.

"So uh ya know Sirius and Remus Lupin are coming to teach fifth and sixth years for dada and Transfiguration? Also they might bring Teddy!"

"No way I'm so excited! That means we'll see each other during class! Can uh we take pictures with them? Like if you're down?"

Alex laughed.

"Duh A picture with my favorite gays!"

They happily chatted as they walked to the common room. When they got to the doors they realized it was 8:30.

"Bloody hell look at the time! I have to go! I have duty"

First thought that came to Kayt's mind was 'ugg alex why you gotta have duty opposite to me girl! I wanna spend time with you!'

"Wait you're forgetting something"

Alex turned around and Kayt kissed her.

"Hehe have a good night!"

Kayt winked and ran into the common room. Alice smiled happily as she walked to her dorm.

When Kayt walked into the common room James clapped from behind her.

"Well that was fast. Who made the first move?"

She shrieked in surprise.

"HOLY SHIT JAMES- Dont scare me like that. And how do yo- You have the cloak huh?"

He nodded and giggled. HE GIGGLED. Kayt just playfully hit him.

"Also it was uh her that made the first move, I just made the other two. Thanks J. Good night."

"Hey K! If you don't go out to hogsmeade i'm not gonna let you play."

"Okay J I got it! I'll ask to go on saturday!"

"There ya go! All better. Now go to bed!"

She flipped him the bird and ran upstairs to the girls prefect dorms.

That night both girls couldn't sleep. Both thinking of each other.

The next generation. (harry potter inspired story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu