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This story starts with four Hogwarts fifth years. Kaytlynn (Kayt) Martines is a  15 year old half-blood Gryffindor. Micheal (Mike) Andrews a 15 year old pure-blood (his fam are blood traitors and hate him) slytherin. Savanna (Sav) Astro another 15 year old muggle-born (super snobby) Slytherin. They also have a 15 year old friend named Bella in Hufflepuff. Kayt and Mike have known eachother since they were about three due to their messed up background and that they grew up in an orphanage. Sav comes from a neglective family but she lived through it. Kayt met Bella at the park and oddly enough Kayt is closest to Bella even though the other two know her. Kayt and Mike met Sav on the train in their first year, and they went and sat with Bella. Sav is VERY popular and everybody knows her, she’s at a level that she was voted to be a prefect by everyone. Mike is somewhat popular, people in slytherin all know him but he’s closest to Kayt Sav and his bf Jai. Kayt is a lonely girl. Almost noone ever pays attention to her except for Bella, Mike and Sav, but due to their different houses it’s only at lunch and the classes they share. Kayt and Bella both play as seekers for their house teams and both are prefects. Kayt has the biggest crush on a sixth year Head girl named Alex Ventra. Alex is a pure-blood and has a little sibling in Ravenclaw. Her friends are pretty cool but Kayt always feels insecure around them. She has 3 main friends: Shelby- the beautiful popular one with a new boy every week, she has orange hair and a nice body. Jess- a short shy girl with straight black long hair. Then ty- he has a jock body yet very feminine, long hair and reputation as he’s the gryffindor keeper, he has a big crush on Alex but she doesn’t like him. Kayt always sees Alex at the quidditch games but doesn’t talk to her even when Bella tries to persuade her. They do sometimes talk because she’s a brave soul.  Kayt also is deep in the closet, only Bella knows she’s gay and only Kayt and Luna (B’s gf)knows she’s bi.  More recently, Kayt and Mike have been fighting about his boyfriend. Jai is a bad influence on Mike, he smokes some muggle drugs, drinks, and has tattoos and piercings. Mike is so ‘in love’ with Jai that he doesn’t care for the constant bullying of Kayt and Bella. Kayt: olive skin, a lil bit chubby, scars down her arms, green eyes, black purple and blue hair, 5’7 ish, glasses and a few ear piercings. Mike: A short, brown haired, piercings, tattoos, brown eyes. Sav: Average size, blond, hazel eyes, skinny. Bella: A sweet indian-british girl with black hair, About 5’3, violet eyes. Alex: a pale & tan skin colour, skinny and toned, 5’5, Blue ocean eyes, red pink and orange hair, eyebrow and septum piercing.

This story does mention Harry Potter. Not canon. Harry and Draco get together and Ginny and Luna are a thing. Dark, Sexual themes in this. Teachers: Harry- Defense Against The Dark Arts Draco- potions Luna- Care Of Magical Creatures Neville- Herbology Ministry: Hermione- Minister Of Magic Ron- Head Auror All rights to jkr

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