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The emerald forest was dingy and dark, from underneath the canopy of foliage, Qrow and winter strolled in utter silence, keeping alert to any possible threats, but as ozpin said their wasn't a single grim, the forest was clean.
This meant for a very quiet trip to the coordinates that they had been given.

Soon they arrive and....

Q: great mother of damn!.....

W: it's incredible

Before them was what seemed to be some sort of portal that cut through the air with whisps of purple energy crackling and spitting. With a pure white center, about the size of a beowolve.

Q: I mean it's not one of my sister's, their red and can only be summoned to someone she has a connection to, this thing wouldn't be here for this long if it was her's

W: could it be related to the grim, they could be coming from this, thing

Q: I don't think that's it, the grim seem scared of this thing, we may be dealing with something alien.

W: we need to alert ozpin and ironwood.

Q: no

W: what do you mean, no. Their are lives at steak here and we don't know what were dealing with

Q: the longer this thing is here the longer it is putting lives at risk, we can't leave it we have to stop it

W: I can't believe I'm saying this but that makes sense, did you have a bottle less than normal this morning?

Q: no I had two bottles extra.

W: drunk

Instead of replying, qrow walked up to a tree and snapped a large branch, he then carried it over to the portal and started to pass the log through

W: are you sure we should do that?

Qrow then pulled the log out, it looked no different but now Instead of the white of the portal, where the log went through their was a rift that showed what was on the other side.
To was a great lush Forrest with a large clearing and some type of four leg'd grey mammals grazing, presumably herbivores.

Q: dosent look to bad, let's check it out

W: qrow do you know how irispons....

Winter didn't have time to finish as qrow stepped through the portal.

W: QROW?!!!!!!

Instinctively winter follows

Snowbird in the new world ( rwby /monster hunter world)Where stories live. Discover now