Evie POV

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Me- hey M
Me- what's wrong
M- nothing
Me- you know you can tell me anything right?
M- yes but I will tell you when I am ready
Me- okay but wyd
M- nothing just hanging out with someone
Me- who
M- why do I have to tell you
Me- because I am your best friend
M- okay but don't you trust me not to hangout with someone I don't like
Me- ofc i trust you
M- then why can't I hang out with someone
Me- that's not what I said all I wanted to know who you was hanging out with
M- but you are acting like you are my mom
Me- okay so and I am sorry if I pushed you to hard I just want you to be safe

M- I promise I am
Me- okay
M- hey i am hang out with my crush
M- Ben
Me- as in my Ex Ben
M- wait what is he another boyfriend you didn't tell me about because if it is then are we even friends
Me- yes he is another boyfriend I didn't tell you about
M- wow I can't believe you I thought we told each-other everything
Me- same but I just have to keep things to my self
M- yeah and some of them keeps me from dating them
Me- it's not like that
M- really because it sure do seem like it
Me- okay fine maybe
M- see I knew it just forget it I didn't say yes to Ben
Me- wait what
M- he asked me out and I rejected him
Me- you didn't do this for me right
M- no I did it for the both of us
Me- awww m I love you so much
M- Love you the most gtg bye
Me- bye

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