He ran out of the main entrance of the school, and sure enough, Jordyn was there waiting for him. She was wearing a pink frilly tanktop with jean shorts. He smiled and waved happily, but to his dissapointment, she didn't wave back. In fact, she didn't seem to be paying much attention to him. Ryo also noticed that she looked frustrated.

"Hey," he greeted cheerfully.

"Hi," she replied with a hint of bitterness.

Ryo looked at her in surprise. "Is something wrong?"

"Yes," she snapped at him, startling him. "I'm sick of taking credit for something I didn't do."

Ryo raised an eyebrow. "You mean what I told Yugi?"

She crossed her arms. "Yeah. Going around telling everyone and he thinks I'm some sort of hero." She glared angrily at the ground. "I'm not supposed to lie to the Pharaoh, Ryo. It's one of the guardian laws."

"Don't worry about it," Ryo assured her. "You're not lying."

"Ryo, you and I both know I wasn't the one to defeat Bakura."

"I never told Yugi you did. I simply said you made sure he wasn't going to be bothering us, which is true."

"Giving you the power to turn into a you-know-what," she said as a student walked by them, "does not count as "making sure."

"I dunno, you gave me the power to lock him up. Sounds like making sure to me. Yugi just took it like you were the one who beat him. That's not lying."

"Not telling him the truth is lying."

"Just let him think what he wants. What did you want me to tell him? The truth? I thought that's what you said to avoid until I'm trained. Besides, I heard Yugi talking to the others and now because of this, they're willing to trust you now."

"We'll that's just great," Jordyn said bitterly. "Now when they find out, they're definately not going to trust me."

Ryo sighed. "If it makes you feel better, I promise I'll take the blame for it when they find out."

Jordyn shook her head. "That won't help. The only reason I'm going along with this is because I'm trying to protect you. That would just defeat the whole purpose." She sighed. "Let's just go. I'll deal with it later."

Ryo nodded and they started off towards the place where they were to train. It took only a few minutes, but they soon arrived at a gated sewer tunnel under a bridge nearby the school.

Jordyn stopped at the sewer gate and looked at Ryo in confusion. "Is this it?"

"I told you it wasn't much. But don't worry, what we're looking for is inside." Ryo squeezed through the spacious bars of the gate then held out his hand to help Jordyn in.

Jordyn took it and Ryo helped her through the bars. Inside, a dark tunnel with no end awaited them. "How do we see where we're going?" she asked.

"There's something you should know about me, Jordyn," he replied as he unzipped his brown backpack. He pulled out a flashlight. "I always come prepared," he smirked. He clicked it on and began leading them through the tunnel.

The tunnel was large enough for them to walk in, but enough for them to stand up straight in. It seemed to have no end, and the farther they entered the harder it was to see. Even with the flashlight.

"So how exactly did you find this place?" Jordyn asked as they trudged through the darkness.

"To be honest, it was an accident," Ryo replied. "It was after the first day I moved here. There was a group of older boys picking on me. It was nothing I wasn't used to at the time after moving so often. But then they decided I needed the "proper Domino High School welcome" which was basically beating me to a pulp. After the first few hits, I managed to get away, so I ran. I ran as fast as I could and as far as I could away from them. That led me here. I got through the bars and ran through this tunnel like a madman. The other kids were too big to fit through the bars, so I was safe. But at the time I just wanted to get as far away from them as I could. So I followed the tunnel, which led me here."

Yu-Gi-Oh! Dragon Destiny: The Final Guardian (YuGiOh/ Spyro FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now