CHAPTER 9: A Memorable Dinner

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"You guys are all good to head off now. I'll see you tomorrow bright and early," the remaining crew nod, grabbing their belongings and leaving to rest up for the early start tomorrow. You continue checking the shots you've taken today, noting down what you've already captured to avoid filming shots tomorrow that may mimic what you've already done today. "Y/N, why haven't you gone home yet?"

"Just going through my shots. If there are any shots you liked from today that you want to do similarly tomorrow, I'll be able to know at the drop of a hat."

"You're really thorough. It's no wonder I've been hearing your name around."

"I like to be prepared when it comes to my work."

He eyes you for a moment. You haven't looked away from either the laptop in front of you nor your notebook since he's started talking to you, making sure you don't miss a single thing. It's true that he's been hearing your name come up when it came to recruiting. Normally when someone has suggested a replacement for themselves, there is hesitance; especially if it's from outside an 'inner circle'. "I've heard you have a background in martial arts. Correct me if I'm wrong."

"Nothing for me to correct."

"I've pitched an idea for an Asian, female-led martial arts film that's going to under-go filming for about a month or two primarily around Southeast Asia, possibly branching out to Hong Kong, South Korea, and New Zealand. If you're interested, I'd like to propose the idea of you joining the main crew for that."

Your eyes widen. You discuss the idea a little further, trying to get the bigger picture of the project in the Producer's mind. The prospect of joining this crew is exciting you down to your very core. After agreeing, you exchange contact info with him. Before officially joining, he needs to check in with everyone else to see if they're okay with it. "I'll let you know if we're good to go ahead with our ideas next week after our next official meeting." Nodding, you both pack up your belongings and depart. 'I can't wait to tell Chae.'


'Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale.' Beads of sweat are running down your temples. The sounds of MINO's song Fiancé are oozing into your ears from your Airpods. Quietly rapping along to songs weirdly makes you feel more powerful - maybe just cooler - and right now you are trying to finish 100 reps without stopping; having made it to 78, the finish line is starting to feel like an impossible distance away. Your arms are starting to shake, you're not sure if you can make it past 90. 'Come on. Just ten more, damn it!'

"You can do it! I believe in you!"

Your movements stop, arms still holding down the handles to the machine you are on. Looking to your left, you see none other than Park Chaeyoung. Suddenly, the ache in your arms doesn't feel as bad. "My sunshine."

Chaeyoung smiles widely at the nickname, a little hunt of pink resting on her cheeks. "How many more?"


"Well, what are you waiting for? Go, go, go! For every rep you do, I'll give you a minute's worth of whatever you want from me."

"Would you flash me?"

"Y/N!" You laugh. Your eyebrows furrow together, more determined now to finish up your session at the gym. 'One, two, three, four...' Struggle starts to spread across your face once more. You're sweating a little more furiously, your face is as red as a tomato, you feel your arms turn into limp noodles. Chaeyoung gives you a quick peck on the cheek. 'Five, six, seven...'

"I don't think I can do it."

"I know you can do it."

Groaning, you pull down once more. 'Eight, nine...' "Give me another kiss. I need to get some of your energy into my system." She leans down, giving you a long, hard kiss. You pull the bar handle down, trapping her between the bar and yourself. "Ten." You mumble against her lips, earning a giggle from the girl that is now sitting in your lap. You bring your arms back up half way and let go of the bar, bringing your arms around her waist to deepen the kiss even more so. You both get up off of the seat with you marginally panting. Chaeyoung squirms as you give her a tight hug, not wanting to be enveloped in your super sweaty shirt.

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