" I see the way you look at me"

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        I dropped off food at his place regularly, I should mention that he had his cousin visit, she was a girl too, no more than my age.
Soon we became friends as she was a friendly person and as we were the youngest of both houses.
       The very night my woes started,I had gone to drop food and catch up with my friend who was supposed to leave the following day. The door was open, unusually so, I walked in and placed the food on the table, still no one was in sight. Soon I heard the door close, he just locked the door, I greeted and told him,I brought food. There was something strange though, he didn't look cheerful or smiley as he always was, he looked unusually cold, I asked  about my friend, I was told she had traveled earlier in the day, "I thought it was tomorrow" I said, he was quiet, I tried to open d door, I discovered it was locked, I told him to open it, he stood up as if to open the door, then it happened. I have always heard of rape accounts, never have I thought I could be raped,"everyone loves a charming bright girl,something like that can never happen to me". But it did,and till now I live with the regrets that I thought something like that could never happen to me.
       He grabbed me from behind, his hand covering my mouth, "I know you want me he said", I see the way you look at me", "you answer to my wife so freely, surely you want me". I was told that if I screamed, I'd die. His threat was real, at least I thought it was, seeing as he held an hunting knife.

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