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       Jude. What a unique name that was.  I couldn't help but be amazed by that name. Jude. Jude.......

        My thoughts were interrupted by a "Connor!?" from my teacher. She obviously had asked me something and I didn't reply. "Uhh, yeah?". "What is the answer?". I was absolutely lost! I had no idea what the question is. And now I look like a fool all because of that Jude kid. Why couldn't his name be something less interesting? Like Michael.

        I knew what Mrs. Ray was doing. Every single teacher I've ever had does this. They call on someone who's not paying attention as "punishment", although sometimes we can't help but to not pay attention. We just basically "zone out", they say, without even realizing it happens.

        I just stare at her,  lost. She picks up on this and lays her eyes on the new kid. She hesitates before asking him, "Jude do you know the answer?" . That is when I heard him speak for the first time. He quietly said "No." Mrs. Ray gave him a sentimental smile. And that's all that really happened in that class that was interesting. The rest was just like regular math class, aside from Mrs. Ray learning what point Jude was in his learning. Hmm. I'm already saying his name as if I know him.

        Sooo, skipping ahead to the end of class, Mrs. Ray gave us homework as usual, and then everyone socialized while they waited for the bell to ring. Everyone but Jude. I had a small conversation with Maddi about Friday, but I tried to work on my homework a little bit. I heard the bell ring immediately after I finished problem numero uno. Hah! What luck! Everyone quickly scrambled out of class as if there were a bomb in the room. I stayed back a bit, to put my stuff in my bag, because I always just like to be one of the last ones out, sometimes even talk to Mrs. Ray. She is very interesting. All the students think it's weird that I am somewhat friends with all my teachers, but I don't care.

I finish packing up my backpack, and I start to walk out to the classroom, but then Jude, who is in front of me, goes to do the same thing and, well, we end up colliding. He was so little, but I guess maybe it's just because I'm so buff. Call me arrogant, but it's true. Though he was quite small in comparison to me, his skin felt very smooth as we crashed into each other, him stumbling on one foot about to fall over. As if it were no big deal, I reach over and grab his arm with my left hand and his backpack with my right and pulled him right back up on both feet, standing next to me. So close next to me, I could almost feel the fuzz of his skin.

Mrs. Ray was the first to speak. "Ooh, close one you two! Thank you, Connor. Wouldn't want anyone around here gettin' hurt. She said with that teacher-friendly smile she always has.

"No problem, teach!" I say with my very famous chill and laidback tone I can never seem to get rid of. She politely smiles and goes back to sorting her papers, getting ready to do the same thing 5 times for the rest of the school day, except for the honors class. Hah. How fun that must be, I think to myself, sarcastically.

Ending my never-ending train of thoughts, the new kid quietly murmurs me a "Thanks" and quickly scrambles out of class, taking no note of my existence other than to thank me. And that's all I saw of him that day, heard of him that day, but I was definitely looking forward to cracking open that shy little guy, because I know exactly how that feels.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2014 ⏰

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