Frozen Patties

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I could tell his little flirt act was back and smiled. “That’s for me to know. Only me.”

“Oh, I heard you and Landon had some fun in your cabin.”

Anger rising in me, I peered over Gavin to see a light haired boy smirking in my direction. What did he say? “Ah, who told you that?”

“It’s a secret,” he said with a wink.

Putting my hand on Gavin’s chest, I pushed him back so I could get a better look at the boy. He was skinny, with a cute smile and gorgeous eyes. He almost reminded me of Nathan. “Well,”


“Well Nick, I’m pretty sure secrets are supposed to be kept to one’s self, especially ones that aren’t true,” I said scowling at him.

Gavin let out a little chuckle as I sweetly smiled at the boy. Sitting back in my seat, I looked forwards into the dark room. Suddenly a picture popped up on the big screen and the boring football movie started.

“I’m so glad I came to this,” I mumbled sarcastically.

Gavin must have heard because he said, “Want to get out of here? Julie seems really into the movie, she won’t see us going.”

I thought about his plan, liking the sound of it. Although I already was on Owen’s bad side, if Julie caught us she probably wouldn’t be too mad. Shrugging my shoulders, I turned back to the dark haired cutie. “Sher”

Quickly, he grabbed my hand and pulled me from the couches and towards the back doors. Looking over our shoulders, we crouched down low until we were far enough back in the room so now one could see. Gavin reached up for the handle and quietly pushed the door open. Once there was a space big enough to fit one body, we slipped outside unnoticed.

“Wow, that was easy,” I whispered standing from up my crouch position and facing Gavin.

Without a reply, he grabbed my hand once again and ran towards the lake. Although I struggled to keep my footing, the running was quite easy for me. In almost a minute we were down by the edge of the lake peering into the dark water.

“Want to go for a swim,” Gavin asked as we walked to the edge of the dock side by side.

I thought about the water, about last night and sighed. “No, I think tonight I should stay away from swimming.”

He laughed. “It’s not like you have to go skinny dipping. Hey, maybe you could even go with your clothes on!”

I thought he was joking until he reached over and in one swift motion shoved me towards the lake. The only thing I could do was scream while I plummeted towards the black water. Slapping the surface, I sunk downwards until I had enough strength to swim back up.

Coughing up the nasty tasting liquid, I opened my eyes to see the dock empty beside for shirt. A splashing noise caught my attention and I turned to the left. Gavin smiled at me as he wadded the water.

“You jerk!” I yelled, splashing in his direction.

He responded with a chuckle because pushing a wave of water my way. “There was no way I was going to get you in. So, I decided to make you.”

Rolling my eyes, I swam closer to the dock. Once I had a good hold on the wood leg, I let my body float in the water. In other circumstances I would have been mad, but it was summer camp, and he was Gavin.

I mean, I could never be mad at the boy, even though I had just met him. Suddenly, I remembered my best friend Nathan. Jesh, when was the last time I had talked to him?

“What are you thinking about Fray?” Gavin asked breaking the comfortable silence.

“My best friend,” I answered truthfully.

“Is she hot?”

I let out a little chuckle. “She’s a he.”

“Is he hot?”

Looking over to where he floated in the water I smiled. “Is there something you want to tell me?” I asked sarcastically.

He pushed out his lower lip and scratched his head as if he were actually pondering the question. “Yes there is.”

I waited for a reply that came soon. “I think you are beautiful. And I hope that answers your question.”

Blush crept to my cheeks but was easily hidden by the dark night. Although the moon was out and shining bright, he wouldn’t be able to see.

“You’re not bad yourself,” I replied truthfully. Gavin was very attractive, and truthfully I didn’t mind.

I mean, who wouldn’t mind being surrounded by attractive men the whole summer. Yeah, Landon was a jerk but he was a pretty piece of eye candy. Owen was older than me, but he was still hot. And Gavin was so cute and adorable, everything he said brought a smile to my face.

“I want you to meet him. Nathan. He’ll visit soon. You’ll like each other, I can tell,” I said almost thinking out loud. Gavin was definitely the type of guy Nathan would hang with.

Pushing off the dock, I floated closer to Gavin, waiting for a reply. Suddenly, there was a loud splash and water rained over me. Although it was surprising, what came next was even worse. Something grabbed my waist and pulled my under the water. I struggled against the grip for a little bit until it released me and I was able to resurface.

Breaking through the top of the water I breathed in a huge gulp or air. After rubbing my eyes, I looked around to see a laughing Landon floating just a few feet away.

“Pay back!” he said before his brilliant laugh echoed off the nearby trees once more.

I splashed a handful of water in his direction. The small wave weakly crashed into his chest. “Ouch, that hurt,” he mocked me.

“Hey who’s out there?”

Landon, Gavin and I all snapped our heads in the direction of the voice.

It was Owen. 

So, hope you enjoyed this one:D

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