He was right, but Charlie would hate living with grandpa and changing schools and leaving her friends. I thought about it for a bit and got an idea.

Nick: you could move in with us! That way Charlie doesn't have to transfer to a new school and I won't have to find another job
Grandpa: I don't know about this
Nick: please grandpa!!!

I pleaded with him until he finally gave in and said.

Grandpa: alright fine young man you win
Nick: yes!
Grandpa: but on one condition

I groan.

Grandpa: don't you groan at me boy, you screw this up yourself. Now you have to pay the price. You have to let me punish you for what you did to your sister

I thought about it for a sec, if I don't do this Charlie will never forgive me or even go near me again.

Nick: deal grandpa

We both shook on it and Grandpa said.

Grandpa: good, now let's go see your sister

I nodded, grandpa and I both exited out of the cafeteria and we walked back to Charlie's hospital room.

(Charlie's POV)
It's been a long time since Nick left and I'm a bit worried. Kevin and Joe mom left with the guy because the guy was going take her out somewhere special. He seems like a nice guy for her and I could tell Kevin and Joe like him already. Lucky them because now I'm in my hospital room in bed just staring at the yucky hospital food the boys made me eat.

Sam: come on Char you gotta eat something

I shut my mouth and shook my head back and forth and they sigh and Joe said.

Joe: come on Charlie don't you want to go home
Charlie: yes but-
Kevin: no buts just eat it, you need some sugar in you to get your levels back to normal

I fold my arms and pouted and they all sigh. Nick and grandpa walk into the room.

Charlie: hi grandpa
Grandpa: hi sweetheart, Nick told me what happened
Charlie: (gulps) he did, am I in trouble?
Grandpa: yes you are, grounded for an extra week and since you think pranks are so funny you will be cleaning up the mess you made in your brother's
Charlie: *sighs* yes sir, but did Nick tell you what you what he did to me!
Grandpa: yes honey, and I'll be sure
he gets the message, am I right Nicholas?
Nick: (gulps) yes sir
Charlie: (confuse) o-okay

Nick walks over to Sam but, Sam turns the other way.

Nick: oh come on buddy, are you still mad at me?
He nods his head but without looking at him.

Nick: look I'm sorry I should of never said what I said to u and I apologize
Sam: well apology not accepted
Nick: come on, what will it take for you to forgive me
Sam: (smirks) pay for my tickets for the next time I visit again

Nick smile turns around and smile back, they hug and everyone in the room "aww" at them and they broke apart and Nick let go and said.

Nick: see this is why Taylor, Sam and I don't hug

We laugh and Nick walk over to me and said.

Nick: do you forgive me as well?

He held his arm out and I pretended to think for a bit and he frown and I smile and said.

Charlie: of course I forgive you, you crazy knucklehead

He laugh and we both hug. He kiss the top of my forehead and whispered in my ear.

Nick: I'm really sorry
Charlie: it's okay Nicky I forgive u
Nick: hey, since last night we couldn't have our special day, how about we do it tomorrow night?
Charlie: (smiles) sounds perfect
Nick: good, but you have to be good for the rest of that day
Charlie: I promise
Nick: (smiles) good girl

He kiss my cheek and I smile and he suddenly said into my ear.

Nick: oh yeah and grandpa will be living with us for now on

My eyes widen and I said.

Charlie: what?! Why?!
Nick: because he doesn't want to be alone right now that grandma die. Also he doesn't trust me anymore to punish you

I nodded and buried my face into him and he kiss my forehead. He let go of me and pointed to my tray in front of me and said.

Nick: eat now

I sigh and obey while the other boys just look at him amaze.

Joe: how did u do that?
Kevin: yeah we been trying to feed this kid since the doctor came in with her food
Nick: well this little girl knows better because, the last time I told her if she doesn't eat her food I would force it down her throat. Also, she doesn't like it when people feed her
Charlie: which is true
Nick: stop talking and eat
Charlie: (pout) fine

I took a bite out of the yucky hospital food and tried to get most of them into my mouth.

Charlotte May JonasNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ