Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:

Sam's POV
I was in Nick's room thinking about what Nick just said. Maybe he was right, I am irresponsible. I walk out of his room and was about to go to the guest room to start packing to go home early, but then I heard Charlie scream coming from the punishment room. My senses were telling me something bad was happening, so I ran over their.

When I made it to the door I was banging on the door, suddenly Charlie scream starts to die off but I all I could her was smacks coming from Nicks belt. So I bang on the door once again so I could get his attention and he finally opens it. I push him out the way and ran over to Charlie and gasp when I see her pass out. I turn to Nick and glared at him.

Sam: Nicholas! do you realize what you just did?!

He look to see Charlie pass out and drop his belt in shock and said.

Nick: oh god no
Sam: Nick go check your blood sugar right you! You and Charlie haven't checked it since you have been home. You must be running on high right now. I'll meet you outside your car with Charlie, I think she passed out from not taking her insulin

He nods and left, I picked up Charlie and carried her down the stairs. I grab Nick's car keys from the hook and went out to his car and put Charlie in the backseat. I got into the driver seat because I did not trust Nick to drive the car.

I waited a couple of minute and the car door open and Nick sat down in the back seat.

Sam: what are you doing?
Nick: just drive, I need to make sure she's not low, that's probably why she fainted
Sam: yeah sure...
Nick: look you can yell at me later for losing control, hurry up to the hospital, do you want her to die?! She could be in diabetic como if we don't hurry!

He grab Charlie diabetic kit and I started to drive us to the hospital.

Charlie's POV
I slowly open my eyes but stop myself from the bright room. I fully open it and I notice I was in a white room. I look around and I notice I was in the hospital again. Great, just great I just got out of hospital and now I'm back again. I notice as I was looking around I see Sam and Nick both sleeping. I was still terrified from Nick but I want to know how I end up in here I think Sam must of brung me he must of heard me scream. Just than the doctor walk in notice me and said.

Doctor: hello Miss Jonas, you are finally awake. How are you feeling?
Charlie: bad I feel very sore
Doctor: good

Good? How is that good thing this is exactly why I hate doctors because they don't explain.

Charlie: how is that a good thing?

I whispered.

Doctor: because than the medicine is working, and why are we whispering?

I pointed to Nick and Sam sleeping on the chair, the doctors nodded and said.

Doctor: I understand. Now, do you remember why you fainted?

I told my doctor everything, he knows how we get punish because once I was being rude in the hospital in front of my dad, and my dad spanked me once in front of my mom and brother when my brother had to see the doctor, he couldn't wait to punish me at home because of my rebellious attitude back in the day, and the doctor just so happened to walk in on us.

Doctor: should I wake him up to check his levels
Charlie: yeah he's probably calm down right now

He nodded and shook Nick awake which made Sam awake as well.

Doctor: sorry if I woke you two up, but Nick do you mind if I check your blood sugar levels?

Nick sigh and the doctor grab his diabetic kit and the doctor check it and sigh.

Doctor: Nick your blood sugar is really high you need to take an easy on it, do you know how high it got?
Nick: yeah but I been eating, I been drinking as well I just don't know what's the problem

He though more and so did I and something just pop into my head and said.

Charlie: Could it be because our grandma just told us that she was dying from colon cancer?
Doctor: I don't think that's what cause his blood sugar to go high hun, btw is your grandma Mrs. Jonas?
Nick: yeah how did you know?
Doctor: um...

Chapter End Notes:
What will the doctor say about their grandma?
How come their grandpa didn't say anything?
What's Charlie and Nicks reaction when the doctor tells them?

Will Charlie forgive Nick for what he did to her? Find out in next chapter.

Going to Kansas next week, I don't know if I will post during my vacation, but we will see...

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