Chapter Thirteen

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Nancy woke up not knowing where she was. Her body was pressed against something solid. Moving a little she remembered going to Jonas's and being snuggling up with him on the couch. They must have fallen asleep. When she pushed herself up she jostled Jonas waking him up. He let out a groan. He had been sleeping sitting up while Nancy had been leaning against him.

"Morning. We must have fallen asleep," Jonas said with a lazy grin. Nancy stretched her arms and legs and gave out a shriek when she saw what time it was.

"Shit!" Nancy exclaimed, "It's almost seven. I have to get the kids to school." Nancy went to jump off the couch but Jonas grabbed her.

"Chase is there right? He will get them to school," Jonas said.

"I didn't let him know I wouldn't be home last night. They are probably worried sick. I'll just text him to let him know I'm alright," Nancy said. Jonas got off the couch and headed in the direction of his bedroom. Once Nancy texted Chase she went in search of Jonas and found him wet wrapped in a towel. Nancy found herself unable to stop staring. Jonas caught Nancy's stare and grinned at her.

"Water should still be hot. Why don't you get showered and you can borrow some of my clothes to go home in," Jonas suggested.

"A shower sounds great." When Nancy was finished showering Jonas handed her some sweats with a drawstring to help keep them up and another one of his t-shirts. He also had a mug of coffee. Taking a sip she followed Jonas out of the house and into his car.

Pulling into Bud's Nancy noticed the voicemail on her phone.

"Nancy, it's Kelly. I um sort of told Chase you were at a sleepover with Jonas when he called this morning to see if you were with me. I'm really sorry. He sounded pissed and I think hurt and then he hung up on me. Please don't be mad, but I do want details. Boy was fine. Anyway love you girl. See you later."

Nancy inwardly cringed. She hadn't wanted Chase to know she had been at Jonas's. She didn't want to flaunt it in his face. She had texted him that she had stayed over at Kelly's house. Well she guessed he knew she was lying. Great.

"I had a great time last night," Jonas said.

"Me to," Nancy said.

"When can I see you again?" Jonas asked.

"Tonight if you want," Nancy said hopeful.

"I can't tonight. I'm working at the school. How about tomorrow?"

"I work, but you are welcome to come to the bar," Nancy said.

"Good, I'll see you tomorrow. Drive home safe," Jonas leaned over and gave her a smoldering kiss.

"You too."

If Nancy didn't need to change her clothes she would have avoided going home. Nancy went straight for her room when she got home. It didn't take long for Chase to find her. Nancy was in her underwear when she heard behind her, "Where the hell have you been." Nancy whipped around to see Chase standing in her doorway.

"I think you know," Nancy said turning to pull clothes out of her closet.

"You sure do work fast don't you," Chase accused.

"Excuse me?" Nancy said turning around.

"I think you know," Chase said throwing her words back at her.

"It really is none of your business," Nancy retorted pulling her jeans on. Suddenly he was right in front of her.

"It is when the bed isn't barely cold yet."

"My sex life is my business and my business only," Nancy seethed moving away from him.

"So you did have sex with him," Chase said grabbing her arm, "Was it good? Did you think about me when you came." Nancy reared back and slapped him.

"You have no right. Let me go," Nancy commanded. Chase dropped his hand. He didn't want to but she compelled him to. But as soon as he let her go he grabbed her again pulling her in for a kiss. Nancy struggled but it was half hearted. As much as she had enjoyed kissing Jonas last night she couldn't resist kissing Chase. But it was over as soon as it began.

"I don't want you with anyone else," Chase said panting.

"But you don't want me either," Nancy said softly.

"I'm not good for you," Chase mumbled.

"I'm not going to become a nun Chase. If you don't want to be with me than let me go. I like Jonas. It could go somewhere," Nancy said a bit sadly.

"I don't know if I can," Chase said walking out the door. Nancy sat down on the bed and let herself cry.


Later that night as Nancy slept she had another dream of her mother. Her mother looked to be in her early 20's and her belly was swollen with child. Mindy was throwing her clothes into a suitcase angrily. Nancy couldn't tell what was upsetting her since she was in a bedroom all by herself. Then a man walked in and grabbed Mindy.

"It's not what you think," the man said holding Mindy to him. Mindy squirmed against him.

"Let me go. I don't believe you," Mindy cried.

"Mindy you know I love you and would never hurt you," the man soothed. Mindy wasn't having it.

"I know what I saw John," Mindy finally broke free from him and whirled around, "I saw you two with my own eyes. I bet you have had a great laugh behind my back haven't you. Poor Mindy doesn't even realize what's going on under her nose. She can have you because I'm done." Mindy started to grab her suitcase to walk out when John hit her across the face.

"You will leave when I say you can leave," John said in a voice that chilled Mindy to the bone.

Nancy watched her mom's bewildered face and wished she could help her.

"Did you really think you could satisfy me?" John laughed cruelly. "And I bet you think I'm helping all those wayward souls I've had you find me over the years. You really are naïve Mindy but that's why I keep you around. You were blind and useful and now that's my child you have in your belly and you will not take my child away from me."

"What about those people?" Mindy stuttered and she abruptly looked at Nancy like she saw her there. "Don't let him find you."

Nancy woke up screaming. Chase ran downstairs taking them two at a time.

"Nancy," Chase yelled running into her room, "What's the matter?" He didn't hesitate to go over to her and envelope her in a hug. Nancy turned so she could sob into his chest.

"I had a nightmare. I think my dad beat my mom."

"Why would you think that?" Chase asked.

"I feel like mom is reaching out to me through my dreams. I swear I was seeing a memory up until she looked at me and said, 'Don't let him find you.' I don't know what she means by that. My dad died."

"I don't know either. Are you going to be okay?" Chase kept rocking her back and forth.

"I think so. Do you mind staying with me for a little while?" Nancy asked hesitantly. She knew she shouldn't be asking but she didn't want to be alone right then either.

"Sure," Chase said. Nancy stretched back out on the bed and Chase put his arm around her. After what felt like eternity Nancy fell back to sleep. Chase got up but he didn't want to leave her room. He had someone he needed to talk to tomorrow.

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