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{ Elidi }

It's been a couple of days since they brought him back.

His wounds were healing normally. No infection or anything, thank whoever. But he was still in pain. So, I brought him his food everyday. Sometimes I would bump into Lilith and we would exchange a few words.

She never said much and I never pushed her to, but I did invite her to our room so she could see Brendon. When I asked her the first time, she seemed pretty excited and worried. I could tell she really cared about him. She probably blamed herself for what happened.

Now she's almost always in our room. Just sitting at the foot of Brendon's bed and drawing in her sketchbook. It was nice.


Brendon's gotten better. He's walking around on his own now. I can tell it still hurts by the way he limps sometimes. But he just ignores it and keeps going.

Lilith has also started talking to both of us. Not a lot, but she'll make a comment here and there. I like her voice, it reminds me of thunder. Kind of rough, but smooth and strong. It probably sounds rough because she doesn't talk much.

She had the marks on her hands and her forearms. Those are the only ones I can see. If she has any others it's probably under her clothes. Like over her heart. I've seen that done before. It's the worst.


Brendon's almost fully recovered now. He seems to be back to normal. Well, not normal, but you know what I mean. He's started coming down to get his lunch now. We don't stay there though. Now we always eat in our room.

Lilith joins us too. It's almost like we have our own little group. Brendon and I already know mostly everything about each other and now that Lilith is start to talk more, all of our questions were directed towards her.

We've learned that she hasn't been assigned a room mate. She said it's lonely, but she doesn't mind. The less people in Dema the better, she would say. I respected that and told her our door was always open.

She just smiled gratefully and we moved on to talking about food. "I want pizza rolls," I sighed, falling back onto my bed. "Wait, what are pizza rolls?" Lilith asked, confused. I sat up and stared at her blankly, "I can't remember, but I remember they're good."

We sat in dead silence for a bit then broke out into a fit of giggles. "Why are we laughing?" Brendon asked through giggles. "No clue," Lilith giggled. I couldn't stop, I just felt so.. giggley! Almost as if I was not only feeling my need to giggle, but everyone else's too.

It was a nice change from all the doom and gloom that was Dema. Eventually we stopped giggling and kinda just sat there. Things actually started getting a bit sad. I could feel the change in mood like a slap in the face.

"I remembered something..." Brendon started, looking at me, then Lilith. Both of our eyes widened as we stared at him. "Not a lot, just a word, I don't know what it means, but I know it's important," He stared at the ground in hard thought.

"What word?" Lilith urged. He was chewing on his cheek before he looked up at Lilith. Then he looked over at me.


WOW I really kinda hated this, but I have no clue what else to write atm so I hope you like it?? Also 100 reads!!!!!! WhOOP!! Thanks a lot for taking the time to read my kinda shitty writing :') I love you 💗

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