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{ Elidi }

"Elidi, wake up," someone called quietly, yet urgently. I blinked opened my eyes, staring at what looked like my little sisters face. Wait that can't be right, Luna wasn't in Dema. I sat up abruptly, my sister taking a step back at my sudden movements.

"Luna? What are you doing here!?" I whisper shouted. "Getting you out," she smiled brightly. My heart dropped, 'No, no I can't leave, not now.' Her smile faltered, "What's wrong?" My dull golden eyes looked into her bright silver ones, "I can't leave, not yet." Her shoulders sagged, "W.. why not?"

I sighed, "I just can't, please leave, before they figure out you're here." By they, I meant the 9 Bishops. "Eli, I'm not leaving you here," Luna took a step towards me, a defiant look in her eyes. I sighed, my head dropping, "Lu, please, you don't understand I can't just-" She interrupted me, "No."

I looked up, tears were starting to form in her eyes. My heart broke seeing her like that, but I couldn't leave. Not yet. "Luna, I want to leave. I promise, I will leave with you, just not tonight," I grabbed her hand. "Why not?" Her breath under a whisper as tears fell from her eyes.

I shook my head, "I can't tell you." Her face grimaced as she removed her hand from mine, "Fine." She turned from me staring at the open window, "This place is ruining you, Eli. I can see it in your eyes...." I just watched her, not knowing how to respond.

She turned toward me one last time, "Just.. just remember that, East is up, ok?" I nodded and she smiled sadly, then crawled out the window into the night. Back to the rebels, back to the Banditos.

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