Season 2: Episode 3

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Hey everybody, it's your friendly neighborhood Author Man!

First things first, I would like to apologize for the lack of updates recently. With the end of school and work and final exams, I could barely find time to upload a chapter. And I feel terrible for it, so, Sorry.

Anyway, let's get into the episode.

Welcome to Toxic Fandoms! The show where I show you the depths of depravity and despair that some fans are willing to go to for their favorite shows and games. I'm Author Man, the host and MC, as well as your guide into the depths of the internet and deviantart.

You all know how the show works, but you new people, here's the run down. I rate a fandom for my five WACRS (Welcoming, Appreciation, Creativity, Relevancy, and Shipping). I give the fandom a score out of 10 for each category and then average out those scores to put it on my TOXICITY SCALE!

 Last time I updated this story, I asked for a specific fandom that you would all like me to rate. And overwhelmingly, you all said JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE! And so, that will be the fandom I will be rating for today.

For a basic explanation of the show, from Wikipedia:

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 : JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken) is a Japanese series written and illustrated by . It was originally serialized in from 1987 to 2004 before being transferred to the monthly magazine in 2005. The current story arc started in 2011. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is currently 's second with its chapters collected into 124 volumes and counting.

A six-volume adaptation of the latter half of the series' third story arc was released from 1993 to 1994 by studio , followed by another seven-volume series covering earlier parts of the arc from 2000 to 2002. A.P.P.P. also produced a theatrical film of the first arc in 2007. In 2012, an television series produced by began broadcast on and covered the first two-story arcs of the manga in 26 episodes. A second 48-episode season covering the third arc was broadcast in 2014 and 2015, a 39-episode season adapting the fourth aired between April and December 2016, and a new season adapting the fifth premiered in October 2018.


I do not judge the quality of the media, though the quality will be taken into consideration for some categories.

Ratings are based off facts, not feelings. Thus, anecdotal stories will be taken as tertiary sources.


So without further ado, let's get into this.

Category 1: Welcoming

Okay, let's begin with my second favorite category of them all.

And I have to say, this is going to be fun.

To quote

"Most of them are butthurt manchildren who refuse to handle opinions."

Oh boy, nothing could be more true.

If you disagree with anything they believe or think, they will tear you to shreds. They have no mercy, and will go after anyone who says anything bad about their buff boys screaming about crap no one knows.

Seriously, if the memes and terrible anime weren't enough to turn you away, the fanboys will do it for you.

They also tend to ignore problems with the anime, much like the Fairy Tail fandom, and say that it is the greatest ever. Ignoring anime like Death Note, No Game No Life, and others. And if you dare to bring up a problem with the anime, those fat bastards will go Muda Muda on their keyboards, staining it with cheeto dust and mountain dew.

Category Score: -5/10

Category 2: Appreciation

Alright, you win here.

This is one of those fandoms that does seem to genuinely appreciate their anime, especially considering they worship each new season of big, buff men fighting even buffer men. Honestly, this anime is the gayest thing I've ever seen.

Hold on a second... Basement dwelling nerds worshiping a gay show about big, buff men...

Just think over that for a little while.

Category Score: 3/10

Category 3: Creativity

Nope. You don't even get this one JJBA.

Memes, fanart, and even porn count in this category, but the JJBA has nothing going for it. The memes mean nothing to anyone who doesn't watch the show, the fanart is boring as hell, and the porn is just... gay. Nothing bad with gay, but it's jut not even high quality.

Whether you like gay porn or not, this fandom just f*cking flops when it comes to creativity. Not even f*cking flops, it fell down, slid down a f*cking mountain, slammed into a bolder, and then smacked his nuts on a damn tree.

Category 3: -10/10

Category 4: Relevancy

Sorry, not sorry.

This fandom lost all relevancy after the end of the winter 2018 season. The latest season had a few memeable moments, but overall it sucked and was completely irrelevant.

This is quite like the RWBY fandom, where the newer seasons of the show meant nothing outside of the fandom, leading to low relevancy scores.

Category Score: 0/10

Category 5: Shipping

Alright, you got one on me JJBA. The fandom doesn't seem to be one for shipping, and they got me on this one.

Got nothing else to say, other than that this fandom is shit.

Category Score: 5/10

Final Words:

Okay, for my final words, I'd like to talk about shock factor.

For those who don't know, shock factor is a term that describes how a show, book, or game gets popular through some strange thing that surprises people and garners attention for the show. Usually this dies down after a season or two, but JJBA has managed to cling to their 15 minutes of fame for forever.

JJBA relies solely on shock factor for it's popularity. There is no other way for this show to be popular. The creators know that if they don't make anything interesting or strange, their anime and mange would flop hard and die. Which honestly, would be best for the anime and meme communities as a whole. The death of this show would allow the rise of newer, fresher memes, and not the same "IS THAT A JOJO REFERENCE!?" bullshit. Please consider.

Aright JJBA, Your rank on my TOXICITY SCALE  is...

Final Score:


See ya in another life Brotha!

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