Episode 3: Touhou

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Hey everybody, it's your friendly neighborhood Author Man here!

Welcome to Toxic  Fandoms, the show where I reveal the depths some fans will go to for  their favorite shows. I'm your host and fandom expert, Author Man! And I will be leading you through the depths of Tumblr and beyond to get you the most up to date info on today's fandom.

You guys know how the  show works, I rate a fandom based on five categories: Welcoming,  Appreciation, Creativity, Relevance, and Shipping. I then average out  the scores and place the show on my TOXICITY SCALE.

Without further ado, a fandom that was requested in the last chapter...


Welcome to the chopping block, Touhou. Seeing as this is our first time meeting, let's get a breif rundown on what you are.

Quoted for Wikipedia(My first sight for all research):

"The Touhou Project (: 東方Project : Tōhō Purojekuto, lit. Eastern Project), also known as Toho Project or Project Shrine Maiden, is a series of Japanese  shooter video games developed by the single-person . Team Shanghai Alice's sole member, ZUN, independently produces the games' graphics, music, and programming."

Touhou is a shoot 'em up, bullet hell, fighting game made by a single guy. Sounds like a cool franchise, and it's successful, but with an all female cast it's going to end up being RWBY 2.0 with all the shipping. But let's wait until that section for that.


I do not judge the quality of the shows, though the quality will be taken into consideration. Which will be hard because I've never heard of these people or the game.

I base my ratings off of facts, not feelings. If someone says they feel unwelcome or treated bad, that is anecdotal evidence and will be dealt with as such.


This episode is already late, so without wasting anymore time, let's get right into the toxicity.

Category 1: Welcoming

I started my research on Tumblr, like always, but there was surprising little for this fandom.

For a fandom that is apparently "More popular than the game" (Real quote), there is surprising little on them. I had to go all the way to my tertiary sources, stories from people in the fandom. I collected many of these, and my judgement will be based off that.

On a second note, I have found a website that does my job, but worse. They are terrible biased towards the fandoms they talk about, barely talk about the bad parts, and give no sources. I may not like or be positive about fandoms, but at least you guys know that my sources are Wikipedia, then Tumblr, Reddit, and finally anecdotal. It isn't really their fault, as they are a Wikipedia-esque website. Here they are: https://toxicfandomsandhatedoms.m.miraheze.org/wiki/.

Anyway, back on track.

I have to give this one to the fandom. But not because I want to.


They have a very small online presence, even smaller than that of fandoms like book and TV fandoms. This has lead to a black hole of information, where nothing exists.

From what I have heard from my tertiary sources, they are welcoming up until you disagree with them.

So for that, the category score comes out to be...

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