Chapter 1: My Life

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       First, it was darkness, but then light. Loud sounds came out of me. I was crying. My mother was near me though, and hushed me to sleep.

        Then, a year later, I had a birthday. My mom just woke me from a nap. I had a chocolate-raspberry cake. But I was too tired to eat it, so I smashed my head into it and went right back to sleep.

       Another year went by and it was after my second birthday. There were streamers everywhere. I wanted to have some fun so I ripped off streamers hanging from the ceiling and furniture. I made a huge mess. My mother got infuriated. What did I do? I was only a toddler.

       Then I turned three years old. My mother gave me a coconut cake. But, I don't think that she knew me that well then because I hate coconuts. So, I grabbed the cake, and smashed it on to my mother. She was really mad.

       Then I had brothers and sisters, who did the same things as me. I am the influence to everything they do. Though I am not the oldest in my family, I am the roll model for instigating.

       "Skylar," loud whispered my mom. "Skylar get down hear. There's someone I want you to meet."

       I went to the stairs and looked down the banister. There, was a little baby that looked very different than the rest of the family. She was black with curly unnoticeable hair, and wore a pink headband on her head with a pink flower.  

       "This is Eva," my mom said and held her up.

       Another one? Okay fine. Here comes another cuteness bomb.

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