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       When a little girl was born, the world was very new to her. It had all sorts of lights and noises, but she had her mother's warmth all around her. Her mother's soothing voice has calmed her for as long as she can remember and farther back.

       Every person has a story, and every baby that has not been in this world is a saint. But what would've happened if each baby was not killed by doctors or their own parents? What if the parent's eyes were opened that killing a child is killing a life? What would've the child done to change the world? This little girl gave a big influence on a little baby child, and both of them together changed the world.

       Everyone knows that having a baby is difficult, but that's not why they should be killed. Babies are a gift. They can give life to the world just from their own heart and soul, and just by that one birth, and this is exactly why this book is written. Lots of people love babies. Lots of people don't want anyone to get killed. That is the reason that one day, this girl's heart followed God more than ever, and one little baby made a difference.

(This is not a real story.)

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