"Dudes," Jason blurted out, glancing down the table, "The food is fucking hard as shit,"

Valerie glanced over at him and nodded, "I know, I wonder which bitchass cooked this shitty shit," She looked over at Xavier as she said that, making him gasp out in feign hurt, "How rude!"

Luke chuckled and then looked at Charlotte, "Since you finally revealed your secret last night," Luke muttered quietly so nobody else could hear them, "Does that mean you're okay with taking over?"

Clark nodded, "We need someone to quickly take over, things are going to get out of hand soon."

"Which is why the Guard is here, and I'm apart of the Guard," Charlotte reminded. "Look, I'm fine with being the boss but not in front of others,"

"What?" Clark raised an eyebrow.

"What she means is that she'll do what she did with Cassandra. She was the boss but Cassandra was her representative." Miles informed.

"How come? You don't want to be the one to stand in the front of everyone and give orders?"  Jason questioned.

"I mean, I kind of already do but I prefer making orders in the shadows." Charlotte shrugged.

"Like the ninja turtles," Xavier blurted out but nobody minded him.

"Why is that?" Luke asked, as Charlotte gave a quick glance to the Pentagon, before shaking her head.

"I don't want to be responsible for everyone."

Kyla quickly spoke, "Do you guys have an idea who could be the next boss?"

The Guard nodded, "Gordie's going to talk to her later,"

Xavier glanced around, "Allie?"

The Guard nodded.

"Do you think she's going to accept—" Miles started but loud arguing made him slowly stop talking. The group turned their heads to see who was arguing and they saw two blonde guys.

"God, that's Eggles, that creepy motherfucker," Clark muttered.

Charlotte glanced over at Clark and nodded, "Isn't he the dumbass that wanted gatorade?"

Clark nodded, "He fucking pulled out a gun on me last night when I was watching the store."

Everyone snapped their heads to Clark as Charlotte sat straight in her seat, "What?"

Clark continued to eat his lunch calmly, "Yeah, he wanted something to eat, I told him to piss off, and he fucking pointed that shit at me."

"What did you do?" Kyla asked, her eyes wide.

"Just gave him the keys," Clark shook his head, "Scared the shit out of me."

Charlotte furrowed her eyebrows, "Are you okay? Why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

Clark shook his head, "You were with Grizz, and you just told us your secret life and the incident, I didn't want you to worry any more."

Charlotte clenched her jaw and glanced back at Eggles, "Well now I'm worried for you and for everyone in this goddamn room since Eggles has a fucking gun—"

THE GUARDIAN 彡 the society Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang