I was awoken to the smell of bacon and pancakes cooking.

"Food!" I stretched and yelled before I had even opened my eyes.

When I did though, a piercing pair of blue ones stared right back at me.

"Ahhgg!" I yelled, forgetting I had fallen asleep on the angel's lap the night before.

I fell ungracefully off the couch, landing in a heap on the floor. Sammy must have heard my scream from the kitchen because he came running in and tried to pick me up from off the floor; but once he got near me Castiel pushed him away quickly, my short temper took over and I growled at Cas. He looked like he had realized what he had done, an apologetic look took over his face.

"Sam, I didn't mean to push you. I couldn't control the need to protect her, even from you. I apologize."

Sam smiled at him and nodded. "I understand more than you think."

I don't know what I did to deserve Sammy, he always tried to see things from the other persons point of view and it made me glad to have him here for me.

Sammy warily eyed Cas as he came over and picked me up.

"You okay?"

I nodded, "For being a skilled hunter I'm pretty clumsy. Where's Dean?"

I saw he wasn't in the chair he fell asleep in last night and he didn't come in with a gun when I yelled.

"Shower. I made breakfast. Hungry? I made the bacon the way you like." He sang the end, knowing bacon was one of my weaknesses.

"You know me too well." I smiled.

He laughed, "C'mon."

He walked to the kitchen and I followed but Castiel grabbed my arm to stop me.

"Coming? I know you don't have to eat but it tastes good." I turned, looking up into his eyes.

"I know it was because of me you fell, even though you are clumsy. I am sorry. You're not hurt, are you?" He picked up both arms, inspecting them.

I laughed, "No, Cas. I'm fine."

Before putting my hand down he kissed my knuckle, "Is bacon good?"

My jaw dropped. "You've never had bacon?"

He shook his head.

"Are you sure you live in heaven?" I joked, leading him into the kitchen.

"Yes. I am sure." He replied.

I half laughed and patted the bar stool next to me and he took a seat, Bobby and Sam were talking about some hunt they were doing research on. I grabbed a piece of bacon off the plate in front me and told Cas to say Ah.

He gave me a confused look but obeyed, when he did I popped the piece of bacon into his mouth and watched him eat it. I was bouncing in my seat, as he chewed. His eyes grew wide and he looked at me.

"I really like that."

I smirked, "Told you."

I was standing under the warm water of the shower, after making sure Cas would be okay downstairs with Dean, I came up to take  one. Showers always help me to think straight, and with everything that Cas told me to Crowley, my mind was at its max capacity. I thought about how I had really loved Castiel, how we protected each other, even how God made me specifically for him. All of it amazed and scared me. 

Once I had decided I had been in long enough I turned the water off and drew back the shower curtain. I looked up and was about to scream when a hand went over my mouth.

"I brought you this. Sam showed me where they are kept." Castiel held up a towel with his free hand.

I quickly took it from him, wrapping it around myself. As I did he removed his hand from my mouth.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want you to make the noise you made when you fell, again."

"Cas! You can't just come in when people are showering!" I was more in shock than anything.

"Sam told me how showers worked. I saw you didn't take a small blanket, so I brought you one." He smiled and I felt all the anger I had disappear.

I sighed, "Thank you Cas. You still can't come in when people are showering. It's, I don't know, rude.. I guess."

"Is it because you are not clothed? Because if it is then that's okay, I have seen you unclothed before." He smiled happily at me like he solved everything.

I don't know why that kind of took me by surprise, I guess it shouldn't if I had been in love with him for so long.

"Did we sleep together?" I blurted out before I could stop myself.

The bathroom door swung open to an angry Sam and Dean. Dean glared at Cas before speaking.

"Yeah Cas, did you sleep together?"

I ♥ Dean's Bitchface

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