Coffee and Tweets

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"Carry on my wayward son

There'll be peace when you are done

Lay your weary head to rest

Don't you cry no more."

The song blasted right in my ear, jerking me out of the peaceful sleep I was in. I groaned as I looked at the clock next to me that read 6:04 AM. I grabbed the phone from under my pillow, not even needing to read the name since I knew exactly who it was by the ring tone. I hit the answer button with my eyes half closed and put the phone to my ear.

"What do you want?" I grumbled.

"Mornin' sunshine!" An all too cheery voice sang. "Rise and shine! We have work to do today."

"I don't wanna." I said sleepily.

He chuckled on the other end, "I'm going to drag you out of bed myself if you don't meet me at the coffee shop in half an hour."

"Fine, fine. Bossy pants. What do we have to go over today?" I asked, sitting up and hanging my feet off the edge of the bed before forcing myself out of it.

"The family business." He joked.

"Ha. Ha. Okay, Dean." I teased as I walked into my closet to throw on some clothes.

"Shut up, Mimi. Never mind, it doesn't work for you since that is your actual name." He mumbled. "Anyway, I'll meet you at the usual spot soon. Oh, and leave your douche of a boyfriend home."

"He's working, it'll be just me." I told him.

"Good. See you soon, kiddo." 

"Bye, Jensen." I hung up.

I tugged on a slightly over sized gray sweater that hung off my shoulder, tugging on some black leggings after that, followed by black combat boots. I tugged a dark blue beanie on, grabbed my keys and phone, then made my way out of my room.

I locked the door to the apartment I shared with my boyfriend, Jack. We had been together since high school, he had been perfect back then. But two years into our relationship things changed as soon as we moved in together. He changed, yet I loved him and tried my best to keep us going. Even as much as everyone around me hated him. I sighed as I got into my car, starting the engine and heading to the coffee shop.

I parked my car and locked it once I got out, making my way to the small coffee place. I checked the time on my phone to see I was only eight minutes late compared to my normal twenty. The guys and I usually met here every morning before work to catch up or go over things. It was our thing ever since we started working together. Sometimes I couldn't come because of Jack, or he demanded I took him. It was never the same when he came.

The bell chimed from the door hitting it as I pushed it open, stepping in from out of the cold. The building was warm and quiet as usual, which was why we liked to meet here. Hardly anyone ever bothered us here, it was perfect for privacy. I took my beanie off and looked around for the guys, they waved me over once I spotted them. I quickly made my way over to the three of them.

"Hi, guys." I yawned, reaching them.

"Hey, pretty girl. Did mean ol' Jensen wake you up?" Jared asked as he stood up and pulled me into a hug.

I nodded, pouting my lower lip out and feigning sadness. 

"Yeah, he was mean to me. Beat him up for me!" I said as I looked up at his tall form from under his arm.

He chuckled, "I'll protect you from the big bad bear."

"Don't forget you have an angel behind you, too." A voice said from behind me.

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