Chapter 2 Book 4 Finale Blood of A Level X Vampire PT1

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(But for a human to drink pureblood's blood, might die due to their blood being highly poisonous to them).Ability to turn and retain complete control over them by becoming their master, rendering the vampire unable to kill them. The blood of their master will also prevent an ex-human from becoming a Level E vampire.

The Kurans are unique among Purebloods, as some members of the family possess and display the ability to handle anti-vampire weapons. , , (although he can hold such weapons, it does harm him) and have demonstrated this ability.

Relationships between Purebloods

Purebloods tend to not show emotion (Yuki Kuran is an exception to this as she had lived as human, and thus doesn't want to bottle up her feelings) and are wary of other Purebloods. Kaname Kuran tells Yuki Kuran about the seven Purebloods families and attacks Shizuki Toma when he harmed Yuki. Juri Kuran guarded Isaya Shoto's home for many years. Ai Kuran ignores letters from Pureblood families. Kaname Kuran murders most of the Pureblood vampires as it was 's wish to have all the Purebloods to be destroyed.

The Pureblood nature is an everlasting quest for power. (Rido Kuran awoken his ancestor Kaname, to gain more power). By killing and drinking the blood of another Pureblood, they can absorb their power. However, this is a great taboo and is said to summon a sinister future upon that Pureblood, unless it is their lover. Similar to other vampires, a Pureblood's blood thirst can only be quenched by the blood of their loved one. Since Purebloods live for eternity, losing their loved one is much more devastating for them.

It is also common practice for Pureblood siblings to marry each other to preserve their thick blood. Purebloods. 

t is also common practice for Pureblood siblings to marry each other to preserve their thick blood. Purebloods can also marry another Pureblood, such as Rido Kuran and Shizuka Hio. For example, the Kuran family, who are at the core of the vampire world. Purebloods are the monarchy of the vampire race with the Kuran family serving as the Queens and Kings.

Relations between the Purebloods and the Nobles are mixed. Noble vampires who are Pro-Monarchy have a strong sense of loyalty to Purebloods as seen by Aido who refers to Kaname as "Kaname-sama" (Respectful and formal Japanese term) and always protects Yuki. It is very important for Purebloods to continue the vampire race, therefore many Noble children are put forward as potential wives or husbands. As opposed to other vampires who are Pro-Vampire Council view the Purebloods as a threat because of their great power; for example wanted to rid the world of Purebloods because they have the power to absolutely control lesser vampires will. However, no matter what a vampire's political views are, they all have a seemingly instinctual fear and awe for Purebloods. The Purebloods and the Vampire Council also work together in order to maintain order in the vampire society by keeping watch over Level Ds and exterminating Level Es.

As shown by the timeskip to Ai's toddler days, its shown Purebloods are revered to such an extent that they find it utterly unacceptable for them to be with with a non-Pureblood. In Yuki's case it was worse because Zero was a vampire hunter. Until Yuki spread word that trying to kill Zero was effectively suicide, Zero kept having to kill servants of Aristocrats that went after him. Even after the death threat, 50 years later, vampires still despised the idea of Yuki and Zero being together. As child growing up Ai Kuran was aware of the vampires despising their relationship.

Nearly a century later, vampires still held a negative opinion of Zero's romance with Yuki, simply because of tradition. Ren's birth only worsened things, prompting a woman to write to Ai about her opinion. When they met at a soiree, she made the rather poor choice of badmouthing Ren in front of Ai, causing the young Pureblood to snap and threatened the woman's life. All in all, the vampires holding onto the old traditions seem incapable of understanding a Pureblood (Yuki) disregarding everything their society stood; they also seem to think Purebloods are incapable of genuine anger, as stated above with Ai.

n Ex-Human (元人間, moto-ningen) is a type of who used to be . They are Level D (Dクラス, D Kurasu, lit. "D Class") and Level E (レベルE, Rebere E) vampires.

When a is bitten by a vampire, they will either die from blood loss or poisoning, or they will suffer the slow agony of the awakening to become a vampire. These vampires are easily controlled by their master and are unable to kill their creator. One of the few advantages is that unlike normal vampires, they are not overly sensitive to sunlight.

When Hunters capture level D vampires, they tattoo them with their symbol and perform a "taming" ceremony enabling them to disable a vampire with a linked piece of jewelry. While the hunters have a ward to prevent vampires from entering their buildings, an exception is made for tamed vampires.

Eventually, every ex-human vampire falls to level E, and loses his or her humanity and goes mad with bloodlust. These vampires are then put on the list for extermination. However, they can be saved from this fate if the Pureblood that created them gives them their blood.

But a Level X Vampire is way powerful than Purebloods. they may have their own ways of killing vampires but not necessary needed to defeat one. Jungkook was suffering such pain when i saw him in the chains, raging with anger and glowing eyes. makes me worried that he might kill or die anytime but that's not the point here. The point is we need to find a Level X vampire to melt and spill into the hearts. 

Yuki POV 

" Zero, have you find any of them?" i asked but he isn't answering. " Ze-he cut me off as a cut shot was heard meaning that he must have find one. Walked over logs and trees seeing a vampire laying on the ground. " Is this the one?''. 

Apparently not as i can tell by his expression. " To be honest, I'll have never seen a this kind of vampire or heard one a part from Jungkook". 

" Where he is though?'' 

" Still in the Headmaster room discovering if he has something in this body but for now it's for you and your life Yuki. " Don't you think a Beast or kind of mythical creature can live or die? or some sort specialty that can live a person that long?" 




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