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Turning away from the soulmates, Damon began to walk away before stopping short in his tracks as if he'd just suddenly remembered something, "oh, before I forget. Caroline told me to tell you that you had a cheer competition today," the vampire said as he looked at the brunette wolf on the couch. "Shit," Thea cursed as she jumped up from her seat as realisation hit her, "I knew there was something I was forgetting," the brunette muttered, scolding herself causing Damon to chuckle at her.

"It's alright. Elena took your place. Not that Caroline's very happy about it," the raven haired vampire stated causing Thea to wince as she remembered what Caroline had told her the night before. Katherine had killed Jeremy whilst they were on the island, and when they returned- Elena shut off her humanity before burning down her house with Jeremy's body still inside. Thea's heart ached for the brunette, but she couldn't help but to think it was karma catching up to them- as sick as it was.

"How is she?" the Lockwood teen asked softly with a sympathetic smile causing Damon to laugh dryly, "annoying? A bitch? A shell of the girl she once was?" the vampire replied with a scowl as he thought about the woman he loved sadly. Thea sighed sorrowfully as Damon shook his head, "I need to find this cure so I can help her. If she kills anyone whilst her humanity's off, it'll break her," he muttered sadly, earning a frown from the wolf.

"But she'll have you. And that's all she needs, just be there for her, Dames. That's all you can do," Thea told him with a sad smile, earning a nod and a sad smile from the vampire in response. "You're always so wise, little T. Don't do anything stupid until I get back," Damon told her before turning to exit the mansion, "how can I? You're taking all the stupid with you," she called after him with a chuckle before turning back to face her soulmate who sat with a scowl on his face as he watched the interaction, jealousy written clearly across his face causing the wolf to giggle even more.


A little while later, Klaus, Thea and Hayley were all sat around the Mikaelson's dining room table, eating a meal that Klaus had so graciously prepared. The silence in the room was suffocating and tense- mostly between the two wolves as Thea refused to let up on her glare towards the elder woman as Klaus watched in amusement. Thea let out an annoyed huff as Hayley loudly discarded her empty plate to the side before bringing her leg up to rest against her chest and the table as she casually sipped on her wine.

Everything Hayley did seemed to irk Thea immensely. Never in her life had she ever hated someone as much as she did the woman in front of her- not even Jules, which said a lot. Every once in a while the wolf would catch the elder woman throwing seductive glances at her soulmate as she ate, which caused her blood to boil as whilst the two of them may no longer have been together- she was still his. And she'd be dead before she let another woman anywhere near him.

Thea gripped her glass of water firmer as she noticed the wolf smile at her ex-boyfriend with a mischievous glint in her eyes, and it took everything in her not to lash out and throw the glass at her smirking face. "So you're rested, you're fed," Klaus spoke up with a grin as he noticed his soulmates jealous scowl, "tell me about Katerina," he smirked causing Hayley to smirk back at him, hers seductive as she cocked an eyebrow.

"Most men get their power kick from torture and intimidation. With you, it's drinks and fine dining," the wolf replied, her voice airy as she openly flirted with the original causing Thea to grip the knife in her hand firmly- ready to throw it at the wolf if she made another flirty remark or gave him another seductive smile. "Well, wolf girl. I can assure you I am all for torture and intimidation if you'd prefer it," the Lockwood teen sneered as she leaned closer to the wolf across the table, "now where is Katerina?" she demanded as Klaus watched in amusement.

FIRE AND ICE ⎯ n.mikaelson¹Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora