21 13 13

May 25th, 2019:

The heat of the desert finally kicked in, rising to a high of 45 degrees celsius. It's currently one in the morning and my mom, still wide awake even though she has work later on, decided to have a lengthy conversation about where I'd like to study. The words that were to leave my mouth next definitely shocked her.

"I want to study at Wits."

In the dimly lit room, I could see her blink a few times in complete disbelief. To be completely honest, I shocked myself by saying this as well. My entire life I was hell bent on going to UKS, but now, I was saying something completely different. The thing about me is that if I have something to say and I'm nervous about it, it's better if I just spit it out immediately. Keeping it in too long just makes me lose confidence in speaking up.

Up until two days ago, UKS was my ultimate goal in life. However, after careful consideration, I realized that UKS was not my true destination. In order to grow as an individual in the field I wished to work in, I would need to get the best study opportunity, which right now, screamed Wits.

Wits is one of the most acknowledged universities back home and if I were to be accepted there, it would be a step in the right direction for my future.


I could see the words struggle to come out, it was obvious that she was at a loss for words.

"Why would you want to apply at Wits? UKS has always been your dream... Why change it?"

A soft smile made its way onto my face as I explained my plan to my mom. There was a mixture of emotions clouding her eyes so I  calmed her down and told her step-by-step what my intentions are.

"You do realize that I have to stay here for your first year of university don't you? I signed a contract and I can't break it. More importantly, where will you stay? How will you travel to and from university everyday? Do you have the answers to these questions? It's not that easy to just decide something like this you know."

I had taken all of this into consideration already. The only thing I couldn't give her an answer to was where I'd stay, given the fact that I got accepted. I stared at her hoping she'd come up with a solution on her own.

"How far is Victory College from Wits?"

I almost yelped with excitement as her train of thought was headed in the exact direction Talia had said it would in our text conversation earlier.


Talia: Oh my gosh. Just imagine! The two of you would be traveling together! This is so exciting!

Salma: Don't go getting my hopes up. Mom would never allow that.

Talia: I'm telling you its going to happen! Just watch. I mean, your mom won't allow you drive there because it's too far, she wouldn't let you take the bus because it'd be too strenuous and she wouldn't let you travel with strangers either. The only other option, the option she'd definitely agree on, is to let you travel with Saif! Ahhh, I can already see it happening!

Salma: Now you're going over board! Mom would never even suggest such a thing.

Talia: Mark my words! You'll message me right after you talk to her saying that she put the idea forth, just watch.

Salma: Whatever, haha, I've got to go, she's back. Wish me luck.

Talia: Good luck!

*End Of Flashback*

"It's 18 minutes away from Wits."

"Oh!" She looked at me, eyes full off accusation and a playful smile over her lips. "So this was your plan all along. Don't even deny it, you knew this would work because I trust Saif and I'd definitely allow you to travel with him. You just waited for me to suggest it so that I wouldn't think that that would be the 'plan' you came up with huh. My, you are a sly one. I wonder whose daughter you are"


Hi people!
So this is sort of one of the first pieces that happen at the beginning.
It's basically the first of a few short chapters.
These chapters will just give a vague background for the readers to know about how everything took place.
None of these universities/colleges are real :-
°'UKS' stands for 'University of Kaap Stad'
°'Wits' is short for 'Waters Universiteit'
Hope you enjoyed this!
Date: May 28th, 2019.
Time: 17:02pm.
Best wishes and all the love in the world.
Sue ^_^

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2019 ⏰

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