Chapter 1

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"Annabella hurry up you're gonna be late" Dad shouts up the stairs. I groan and check the time on my phone. Shit. It's 7:10 I have 20 minutes to get ready.

I struggled to get out of the sheets and just stumbled to the floor with a thud.

"Ah, my knee" great my knee now has a big cut. I sigh and rushed around gathering up all my things. I scrambled around trying to get dressed as soon as possible. Grabbing my bag I ran out the door and to the bus stop.

An unfamiliar guy was stood waiting with his hood up. I suddenly became really awkward and didn't know how to stand. I never looked at him.

I'm one of those shy people if its someone I've never spoken to before. I'm really awkward too. Sometimes I think it's just a curse.

I felt his eyes on me. I look up slightly and see he's watching me and I quickly look away. What do I do? Do I say hi or what?

Suddenly I was trailed out of my thoughts by a male voice.

"Hey" the guy said with a slight smile on his face. His voice was deep and sexy. Maybe he's sexy. Damn what am I thinking I just met him and I'm already saying these things. Plus I have a boyfriend. I haven't seen him in a few days due to his 'science project'.

I realised that I haven't yet responded. He probably thinks I'm ignoring him now. quickly say something.

"I like your shoes" I hear myself say. "What?" I say to myself quietly. I think he heard me because he just chuckled.

Wow this is super awkward now. I rub my arm and look everywhere except the guy or his eyes.

I hear the bus arriving at last, this was possibly the longest few minutes of my life. I step forward and before I know it I'm looking up to the most handsome guy ever. I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Whoa careful there miss. Wouldn't want anything to happen to you" he smiled and helped me to my feet.

"Uhhh.. Sorry" I try not to look him in the eyes and I rush onto the bus. Before I knew it girls were screaming and crowding around the guy not letting him enter the bus. I kinda felt sorry for him.

I took a seat next to my best friend Callie.

"Sup Cal" I say.

"Omfg, tell me everything" she blurts out.

"About what?" i say looking at her confusedly.

"About him" she points to the guy that was stood at the bus stop. He was sat on the opposite seats to us.

"Nothing happened Cal"

"Do you even know who that is?" She looked me straight in the eye.

I looked over at him for a second and shook my head at Callie.

"That's fricking Isac Elliot" she tried to stay as quiet as possible but she failed and everyone was now staring at us, even Isac himself. Shit, thanks alot Callie.

I didn't even realise that the guy is the Isac Elliot. Callie doesn't stop going on about him.

We arrived at school, I quickly got up and walked off the bus. I walked quickly to my locker and got my maths books out. Hurried to class and took my seat.

I sit by myself since Callie wants to sit by the guy she likes. So I'm left to sit by myself at the back. I don't mind it though because I genuinely don't like people.

"Right class settle down, we have a new student with us today. I'm sure you know who he is..." Before Mr. Davis could finish his sentence Isac walked in and looked around.

Of course he had Kelly's full attention. She was batting her eyelashes and twirling her hair around her finger. She just gets on my nerves.

Kelly's partner is away today so she's sat by herself. Of course Isac would sit by her instead of me. I mean she is really pretty and popular. Ugh but her personality is so ugly.

I put my head down on my arms on the desk. I felt a little sick, skipping breakfast this morning was a bad idea. Suddenly to my surprise I heard a familiar male voice.

"Hey can I sit here?" I looked up to find Isac smiling and looking over me.

"Oh uhh..."

"You can sit by me" Kelly interrupted me and bit her lip trying to act cute. I rolled my eyes and put my head back on my arms.

I heard shuffling and sighing.

"Alright class turn your textbooks to page 153 and start the algebra questions." Mr. Davis explained. I lifted my head up to find that Isac was sat next to me. Me. He chose me over Kelly, what?

"Um, can you help me please?" He asked.

"O-okay" I spluttered. Great now I was spluttering. I leaned over to see the progress he's made. He's timed x by 4.

"Oh you don't times x by 4, you need to just work out which multiple goes into both so 4. Then you work out what goes inside the brackets by dividing the numbers by 4 and adding in the letters."

I could tell that he was still confused by the look on his face."Okay um. Here let me show you, may I?" I pointed to the pencil in his hand and took it when he nodded. I started writing down what he needed to do and showing him by running through the first question with him.

"I understand now thank you" he spread a smile across his face. I couldn't help but smile back.

It was now lunch time and I was starving. I put all my books into my locker and then suddenly it slammed shut. And stood there with his arm draped across the lockers was Liam.

"Hey babe. Look I can't sit with you at lunch I gotta do a project with the guys." One of his friends walked past and he fist pumped him.

"You're ditching me so you can mess around in class again?" I crossed my arms.

"Chill your tits virgin it's not like I'm kissing anyone." He raised his arms in a surrender gesture. "You're turning into my mom." He strolls off past me and I turn around to see him high five his friend and stroll off like nothing happened. I see Isac looking at me and I quickly looked away running to the bathroom. getting lots of tissues I tried to stop the tears from coming. He knows my mom died when I was 10. Why would he even make a joke out of it?

Isac's P.O.V

I was putting my books away in my locker when I overheard some guy talking to Annabella. He was being a real jerk towards her.

When he walked past me I heard him say "she'll never know".

All I saw after that was Anna running into the bathroom. I'm not quite sure what happened but I just got really angry when I saw him with her. maybe because it's the way he just treated her or maybe it's something else.

As I closed my locker I saw Annabella walking out the bathroom. Her cheeks were all puffy I could tell she had been crying. I ran over to her "hey Anna wait up"


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I may change some things from this but I'm quite happy with the way it ended up.

It took me ages to think of the story line and write this.

I will try to update every Friday and/or Saturday! or I may just update on random days!

Thank you for reading this and it's my first Isac Elliot fanfic so go easy on me!

Thank you again for reading! Tell your friends and vote if you enjoy this

~ Author

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