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A few hours later, you find yourself in Hunters' office. the man has his arms crossed and looks very displeased with the current situation as he pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. Of course your outrage against your ex-wife wouldn't go unnoticed and catching Hunter in this is a bad sign in itself. Yes, you explained yourself to him before, but that doesn't justify violence against an innocent person as he put it. Luckily for you, Hunter also called a few others into his office and those people are Ricochet, Punishment, Keith and Taynara of course. the four assemble around you as Hunter sits down and expects and explaination from all of you.

Hunter:" Now tell me: why did you two decide to attack an innocent woman?"

Y/N:" Innocent? You're kidding me, right? Laura Kennedy is not innocent. She attempted to kill me twice, she hurt me physically, mentally and emotionally. All these scars on my face and around my head are from smashed glass bottles. She threatened me several times and even made sure that I stay out of her home town."

Ricochet:" Hunter please, Y/N and Taynara were only defending themselves. I'm sorry to say it like that, but you've got no idea of what Y/N has been through in his relationship with Laura."

Punishment:" Right. Y/N here is a tough man, but Laura was the first one to break him. Wanting him to crash down a cliff, letting bees kill him in his sleep, smashing stuff on his head, cutting him along his whole body. This stuf would break everyone. I even let him stay at my place when we got some time off so he could cool down from everything."

Taynara:" Laura also threatened to injure him on the spot. It would've went that way, if I didn't intervene. Now would a severely injured superstar be better for the business than defending ourselves?"

Hunter:" Alright alright, I get what you're meaning to tell me. Y/N, please explain further what has pushed you to do these things."

Y/N:" Laura has sneaked in to the backstage area and made her way to the creative team. Nobody even questioned her as to what she was doing. When she got there and received the information of Velveteens' location, she went to him and told him about the chaos in my life. The worst thing was that she told him about my dead sister, Brooke. I never really recovered from that and only wanted revenge for that. Velveteen and Laura took it too far yesterday, so I had to do something."

Hunter:" And that something was attacking her."

Taynara:" That was on my part though. Laura has been close to inflicting pain on Y/N, but I stepped in. I can't stand people who attack family, friends and loved ones. This woman had it coming."

Keith:" Now I haven't known Y/N for too long, but the time I've spent with him has proven how messed up his private life is. Apart from his ex wife, there were financial issues, his family didn't really support his decision and the fact that he suffers from anxiety is making it very hard for him to actually keep control."

Hunter:" Is this true, Y/N?"

Y/N:"...Yes. I had very little money when I started to look for what I could do after highschool. I didn't have many friends at school and the ones I had were either mostly busy or just stayed for a little while. I can't handle big crowds at all, knowing there could always be someone who could take advantage of me being isolated from the people I care about."

Watching Over Me (Male Reader X Taynara Conti)Where stories live. Discover now