Chapter 5: The battle between the dragon and the knight.

Start from the beginning

The two boys quickly say as they sit in seiza position with their heads down. And I pinch the bridge of my nose feeling a major headache coming in.

Hikari: I'm disappointed in both of you I know that you two have a major rivalry but seriously you two are in the guildhall if you two fight here it will be level if you want to fight to take it outside and challenge each other to a duel or something.

With that, I took a deep breath to reclaim my breath and massage the bridge of my nose in an ineffectual attempt to rid the headache. And then I see the receptionist Luna finally gathering enough courage to walk up to me.

Luna: thank you for stopping the two Hikari-san.

Hikari: it no problem honestly, I'm just doing what I must.

Luna: by the way are they always like that?

Hikari: yeah they're always like that when it comes to their rivalry the school where all three of us come from have to make a policy specific to prohibit the two from sending each other to the hospital.

Luna was about to reply when Alex suddenly gain an "I'm so smart it terrifying" smile and when Tsukiyo sees his rival's smile, he gains a look of understanding to what his fellow male was planning right away and give his smirk while his eyes are glowing crimson with excitement.

Alex: you know Tsukiyo, Hikari right.

Hikari: thank you at least one of you is using your heads for once.

Alex: if we must fight, we must do this properly.

Tsukiyo: I cold heartily agree.

Hikari: that-wait that not wha-

I try to put this down before it can get anywhere, but Alex interrupted me by pulling out his sword from his back.

Alex: I Alex von Sonnenscheinhereby challenge you Tsukiyo Drakon to a duel.

Tsukiyo: I, Tsukiyo Drakon hereby accept your challenge.

I was about to protest about the duel but was drown out by the entire guild cheer in excitement.

Random guy 1: a duel between the 'swordsman of the crimson demons' and the 'paladin of the holy flames' now that will be a battle to remember.

Random guy 2: just thinking about it is making my blood boiling.

Random guy 3: who do you think will win.

Random guy 4: I'll bet 10,000 Eris on Blondie.

Random guy 5: I'll take you up on that bet.

As I was trying to put the ideal to bed before it gets out of hands but when I turn to Tsukiyo and Alex with a smug grin on their faces I know that their plan was executed perfectly.

Hikari: wh-wh, you know what I give up. *I say as I throw my hand up to the air. *

End Flashback (3rd POV)
Hikari: and that basically how the entire duel thinks came to be.

By the time the story has ended Kazuma is looking at the two combatants with a deadpan look.

Kazuma: So, all of this happens just because of a stupid rivalry back from school.

Hikari: yeah pretty much.

And then what Hikari day before hitting him in the face like a sack of bricks.

Kazuma: wait does that mean you and this Alex is from Japan.

Hikari: well yeah, I mean both of us are from the same school as Tsukiyo.

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