~Part 4~

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Play tape 2 for more...

And now...

Welcome back

So glad you're still listening.

Are you having fun? You must be wondering who's next and why.

Is it you? What did you do? How did you end up on these tapes? Maybe you did something cruel. Or maybe you just watched it happen. Maybe you didn't even realise you were being cruel. Maybe you didn't do anything at all. And maybe you should have.

Too late.

I think you know exactly what you did. And after these tapes, you'll never forget it. I know I won't. Oh, and by the way...

I'm still dead.

"Jack! You're going to be late for school!" Jack jumped out of bed from shock. "Are you alive?" Jacks mum continued.

"Yeah, yeah I'm alive!" Jack shouted as she began to open the door. "Door closed please."

The door stopped opening but was still open slightly for Jacks mum to speak through it. "I have to be able to see you to know you're alive."

"You heard my voice." Jack said, with on obvious tone.

"I heard distinct mumbles." His mum said back to him.

Jack layed back on his bed and mumbled "Well you take what you can get in this life mum."

Jacks mum, Anne, told Jack to go downstairs before shutting his door and headed downstairs to make breakfast. Jack looked at the Walkman which was on his bedside table and slowly put his earphones on to listen to more as he got dressed.


It's complicated. But don't worry, you won't go through this alone. That's not fun, trust me. I've been there. Now it won't always be easy. It might even hurt a bit. Maybe a little more than a bit. That depends on you. But fear not, we'll get through this. Step by step. Tape by tape. You and me. Together. But don't forget...

There are always others.

Jack was making his way to school (on his bike as usual). Normally he'd take notice of anyone walking past him but he was too focused on every word Rapunzel said.

See, I can guarantee that one of the reasons why you're still listening is because you really want to know: Who are the other? Who else is responsible for my death? Well you're going to learn soon enough. And of course they are going to learn about you too. If they haven't already.

Jack had made his way into school and as soon as he stepped foot inside he saw everyone looking directly at him. Some people had looks of disgust, some had looks of shock, some had looks of judgement. Thoughts ran through Jacks head: 'They know' was the main thought.

What? Feeling paranoid?

Jack blinked and everyone was now minding their own business. Not looking at Jack. He had imagined it all.

Yeah, highschool does that to a person. You never really know who you can trust.

Jack looked down the hall and saw Flynn. He locked eyes with Jack and stared at him. Flynn then turned and walked out of the building. Jack started to follow.

Or who you can't

Jack wandered into the sports hall. He had lost Flynn and was currently searching for him. All of Jack's team mates were running around, throwing the basketball to one another. "Jack!"

Your Fault (Jackunzel AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora