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It was fall of 2010 I was waiting for my bus to arrive, waiting for the bus stop took a while and I was very cold, I could barely feel my nose and fingers. Finally person that I knew arrived to the bus stop her name was Sara and she was one of the people I would hang out in school. "Hey, has the bus arrived?", Sara asked in my mind I said no duh captain obvious. Well I had to respond in a nice tone because I was a nice person, "No, the bus hasn't arrived yet.", I said. The bus had arrived and Sara wasn't the nicest person ever, she was very mean and rude. We got on the bus and a girl named Ashely was pushed by Sara, "Get out my way Ashley!" said Sara. "What's your problem Sara?" asked Ashley, Sara responded "Your my problem!". I wanted to defend Ashley because she did absolutely nothing to deserve for what Sara did, if I would have defended Ashely, We got on the bus and a girl named Ashely was pushed by Sara, "Get out my way Ashley!" said Sara. "What's your problem Sara?" asked Ashley, Sara responded "Your my problem!". I wanted to defend Ashley because she did absolutely nothing to deserve for what Sara did, if I would have defended Ashely, Sara would have threatened me into pieces. Did I ever mention Sara was one of the people that I would hang out with, not because I wanted to but she was the kind of person that if you weren't her friend she was going to tell the school a whole bunch of lies. Sara made myself and a bunch of other people do bad things to other people or steal things from teachers, once she made me steal money from my teachers wallet, I felt really bad but I had to do it. Your probably thinking how dumb was I and what was I thinking! Trust me I say the same thing. So one day in the middle of March, I was called up to the principal office and my principal Ms.Green asked me a whole bunch of questions about thing about my friend Sonia. Sonia's parents were getting divorced and I guess Sonia brought her mom's wedding ring to school and she lost it but she is assuming I stold it but I really didn't. In reality Sara stole it but they were checking up on the people who Sara hung out with. When I got home my mom was yelling at me and saying if I stole her ring I'm going to be in deep trouble, the next day I went to school and everything was somewhat normal and when I got home my mom told me that police came and was searching the house and luckily didn't find anything and I was very happy but on the other hand Sara got into deep trouble well not her but her mother got into trouble. Sara came to school very mad at us for no reason, saying it was our fault she got in trouble but she got herself into trouble. Sara was trying to get into a fight with anyone so when we were on the bus going home our bus stop had arrived and once again apparently Ashely was in the way and Sara pushed Ashley so hard she hit her nose in the window and Ashely started to crying and Sara pushed me out of the way so she can run all the way home. I wanted to help Ashely but when I tried to the bus door was closing and could help her out and I felt really bad for her.

Tweet me @ DeeTheeBee or kik me @ CrayCrayDeeDee if you want more or tell me youe feedback, I would appreciate it (:

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2014 ⏰

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