The First Day Of School (5)

Start from the beginning

"Morning Prince James." They both greeted at the same time.

"Morning." He replied, they kept pushing each other being the jockey people they are.

"Morning Y/n." They said, you replied with a hello.

"Prince James, are you going to be at practice this afternoon?" Henry asked, Henry and his brother look the same because they are twins but there is one way to tell them apart; Henry has his ginger hair in a side cut, while Harold likes to have his in curls.

"Course." He replied, not long after the bell rang screeching in your ears, you held your ears closed not liking the enhanced noise, "we better get going." The group waved you goodbye and you gave a small wave back, then turned back to your locking getting your stuff then closing it, walking to your first class, goodness 101. 

When you walked into class the VKs also just got in, they all chose a seat, you decided to move one of the desks closed to Evie so you at least had someone to walk to. Chris and Ryan were sitting next to each other, across from Jay and Carlos. When we first sat down Jay pushed Carlos off his chair, in a playful manner.

"Alright. Let's begin." Fairy godmother started, "If someone hand you a crying baby do you; A - curse it, B - lock it in a tower, C - give it a bottle or D - carve out its heart?" She asked, being dramatic with her movement. You weren't paying much attention, you were thinking about being out side, running in the forest filled with freedom. You could hear Evie raise her hand because she let out a gasp, as if she knew the answer.

"Evie." Godmother said.

"What was the second one?" She asked, you turned your attention to her. Giving her a weird look, you were 't even paying attention but you still knew the different options. You could see Mal also giving her a weird look, you let out a small sigh and looked out the window again.

"Oh. Okay. Anyone else?" Fairy godmother asked, waiting for a response swaying her wand side to side, after she didn't get a response she called on Mal.

"C - Give it a bottle." She replied, twirling her hair on her finger.

"Correct!" Fairy godmother stated, acting like Mal was teachers pet.

"You are on fire girl!" Carlos stated, happiness in his tone.

"Just, pick the one that doesn't  sound like any fun." She stated like it was obvious, you knew by this time your brothers weren't paying any attention and were probably arguing, Chris trying to stop Ryan from picking the '' Evil '' answer.

"Ohhhhhh." Jay and Carlos sang, threw out the lesson every now and again you could feel eyes looking at you.

"That makes so much sense..." Evie mumbled, you heard footsteps walk into the room then a high pitched squeal. You looked around and saw a girl wearing all blue with short dark brown cut hair, carrying files of paper.

"Hello, dear one." Fairy godmother greeted, bending down to be face to face with the stranger.

"Hi." She replied with a sheepish voice, "you need to sign these for the coronation." She looked back at us, you have her a glance then looked back out the window again.

"Everyone here remembers my daughter, Jane?" Fairy godmother said while sighing the papers, everyone started to look at her, she turned around like it was a horror movie and she was the killer.

"Mom, no!" She squeaked, you looked to your left to see Chris and Ryan not paying attention and Jay and Carlos look at each other.

"Jane this is everyone." Fairy godmother introduced.

"Hi." She squeaked again, no one replied we all just kinda looked at her... well except your brothers, "That's okay, don't mind me, as you were." He gave a little curtsy, like the pretty blue princess she is and walked past us again, squealing... again... at this moment you here irritated that you had enhanced hearing. Fairy godmother cleared her throat and continued with the lesson, saying let's continue.

"You find a vile of poison." She started, " Do you; A - put it in the kings wine," Evie already was putting her hand up and you knew that she was going to get it wrong if she already had her hand up, " B - paint it on an apple?" Evie took a moment to laugh with Mal, you didn't really mind not being apart of the conversation, you just wanted to go outside, "Or C - turn it over to the proper authorities?" Evie still had her hand up, but then everyone shot there hand up. You looked at all the commotion and saw that, Jay was trying to pull Carlos' hand down.

"Get off..." Carlos mumbled, Fairy godmother sighed before picking Jay.

"C - you hand it over to the proper authorities." He stated, pushing Carlos' hand away.

"I was gonna say that!" Carlos exclaimed.

"But I said it first!" Jay retaliated, your brothers stopped fighting to watch the two and soon enough everyone was looking at them. Fairy godmother started taking the ruler on her hand, trying to get there attention, but they continued. Jay grabbed Carlos around the neck, telling him to come here.

"Come on, who said it first?" He teased, pushing down on Carlos' hair. They both climbed on the table and you let out a small laugh, Evie wasn't paying them any attention, she was putting on makeup while Mal looked like she wanted to kill someone.

"Stop!" Carlos begged, Fairy godmother tapped her ruler on the podium and called out to them and eventually, they stopped.

"I am going to encourage you to use that energy on the tourney field." She stated, Jay was practically squashing poor Carlos under his muscles, you shake your head at there behaviour, it reminded you a lot of your brothers.

"Oh, no. That's okay." Carlos replied, Jay sat up, still on the table, Carlos doing the same looking like a child cross legged, "Whatever that is, we'll pass." You heard the annoying bell ring, but this time you were very happy because you could leave this class.

Okay so that is that, I hope you liked it, I tried putting in second person and I think that worked out better, what do you think?

I'll cya in the next chapter Bai Bai!

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