Chapter 30: Happy Lives

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(A few months later)

After Bliss Kingdom ended their long feud with the First Army, the group were rewarded a month long break from Triple H. The group were hanging out by the hotel pool and saw William and Toni in casual clothing.

William: well guys, me and Toni are going back to NXT UK

Alex: it's been an honor to fight by your side, man

Travis: you can't stay with us longer?

Toni: me and William are the current champions, and NXT UK needs their fighting champions

Josh: til we see each other again, mate

William: not til I see you first, Josh

The group hugged William and Toni before the UK champions left the hotel. 

Travis: so Ryan, when is your and Sasha's dinner date?

Ryan: tonight actually, I have decided to cook for her instead of going to an expensive restaurant

Bayley: aww, that is so sweet of you Ryan

Sasha blushed heavily.

Finn: Charlotte, Chase when is the wedding?

Chase: well we talked it over last night and decided to be around the first week of New Year's

Lexi: perfect, we got the week off!

Billie: I can't wait!

Then Josh noticed Peyton breathing heavily as she held her stomach. The Venus Fly Trap was already nine months in and she is not due until next week.

Josh: you okay, darling?

Peyton: Joshy, I think it's time

Josh: no no no, you're suppose to be due next week!

Peyton felt a kick.

Peyton: I think our baby wants out now!

Travis: come on, let's go!

Billie and Josh helped Peyton to her feet as everyone else followed them to their cars. Everyone got in their cars and drove to the hospital. Travis was driving while Billie and Josh held Peyton's hands to calm her down.

Josh: we're almost there love, just hang in there!

Peyton: Josh!

She gripped his hand so tight that Josh assumed his hand broke.

(20 minutes later)

They reached the hospital and everyone got out of their cars quick.

Josh: someone get us a a doctor and a gurney!

Travis and Billie found a gurney while a doctor and two nurses rushed to them.

Doctor: what's wrong?!

Peyton: my baby, he/she wants out now!

Doctor: okay follow us to the emergency room!

Everyone else followed Josh and Peyton. As they reached the emergency room, all the group can do now is wait.

(In the E.R.)

Doctor: okay Miss Royce, when I tell you to push, you push okay?

Peyton: yes...

She held Josh's hand.

Doctor: okay 1, 2, 3 push!

Peyton pushed with a look of pain on her face as she gripped Josh's hand tight.

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