Chapter 12: IIconic Confession

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The Kingdom were eating breakfast at the hotel restaurant; the guys ate at one table while the girls ate at the other.

The guys were teasing each other about their relationships with their girls.

Josh: so Alex, did you give Lexi the kisses she needed?

Alex: from her face to her neck, but she also gave me some kisses too

Chase: any progress of leveling up?

Alex: slowly, but surely

Seth: Chase, how's progress with your Queen?

Chase: well since we're engaged to be married, I'm planning to have a fairy tale wedding

Ryan: that actually matches with her

Alex: well Seth, how is it with Becky?

Seth: she's all over me during our make out session last night, literally

Travis: like she was on top of you?

Seth: yep

Finn: you might have enjoyed that, mate?

Seth: yeah, her body on top of mine

Travis: let's not forget about our co-founder Finn

Finn: what about me?

Ryan: you and Bayley?

Alex: did you two do any dirty dancing?

Finn: ah, there was a lot of hugging and making out, but a lot of hugging

Josh: she's not the Hugger for nothing

Finn: well then, how about you Josh? Did Peyton try on those clothes?

Josh: u-uh, well yes

Alex: did she get a little handsy?

Josh: let's not talk about that, okay? Travis, how about you and Billie?

Travis: well me and her have a lunch date later

Ryan: you're gonna confess to her?

Travis: maybe...

Chase: okay, how is date gonna go?

Travis: we'll have a lunch picnic at a secluded park; just the two of us

Seth: oh that's perfect, man

Alex: yeah it is

Travis: then I'll confess to her

Josh: oh, you and Billie can be godparents to me and Peyton's child

The guys patted and rubbed Travis' back.

Chase: oh Finn, any word on the guy you called?

Finn: he said that he and his girlfriend will come most likely after Battleground

Alex: now the odds will be even

Finn: well for now, let's focus on Travis

Travis: you guys are crazy

The guys shared a laugh.

(At the girls' table)

The girls noticed the guys' brotherly banter.

Billie: what do you think they're talking about over there?

Charlotte: probably about you and Travis

Billie blushed.

Peyton: so what did you girls do to your guys last night?

Lexi: well, I couldn't stop kissing my Alex

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